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MY 411

This is my best-online-friend, Rob (on the left) on Halloween from AZ. Micah, his friend, is on the right. I love Robby. He's the best. His email is so comment on his makeup if you would like.

Check out more pictures!!


Email Me (Click above)

Hey. My name's Jeannine. Ok... let's get to my life now. Let's start with my looks - starting with the top and work my way down.

Me on the comp.. like I am now

Hair: The color, length, etc

I have blondish red hair. I dyed it blonde a while ago. People used say that it is Strawberry Blonde but I thought of it as blonde. I've dyed it a few times in my life. Red, Brown, etc. I'm planning on dyeing it blondier than it is. My hair right now is between my chin and shoulders. My best friend cut it. I usually wear it up. You'll notice that in a few of the pictures later. I dont have bangs but I do have a few strands of hair that 'hang' on my face sometimes.

I dont wear glasses. Basically everyone in my family wears glasses, except for me. I like to call it my little something special. I have hazel eyes. My art teacher and I were arguing b/c I dont think hazel eyes change colors. Do they? But most people say that mine are hazel.

Me and my cousin who I am really close ~ Kady (luv ya grrl!)

Beauty comes from Within: My Idea of MakeUp

I dont like wearing make-up all that much. Maybe some eyeshadow and a little bit of lipgloss but nothing big. Usually it is SUCH a hassle, in my opinion. Especially mascara. Ouch... but I got used to that.

To be Thin or Not to be Thin: My Waist

I would call myself skinny. My jean's size ranges from 11-5. Dont ask me why.. I have not a clue! I recently lost 7 lbs in 10 days... WOOHOO! But I dont show off all my skin to let others know that I'm skinny. Maybe my menstrual cycle has something to do with it. I wear what I feel is comfortable. I dont try to impress anyone. I have who I need and I dont need friends who judge me by looks. Life's already full of crappy objects and situations similiar to that.

Shoes: Just Do It

I wear size 8.5 in women's shoes. I've bought a new pair of Nike shoes a while ago. They were $60 and are gray, blue, and yellow. That has been my shoe size for a couple of years now. My mom says I probably stopped growing. I just might believe her. I'm only 5',2.5" right now.

Wrist: Do you have the time?

I wear a watch. I had two but I let my friend have one. This cool indiglo one that I have on my left wrist right now is a Timex. Actually, I never wear that one anymore. I usually have my cell phone on so I use that as a clock source.

Job: Currently Unemployed

I dont have a job..........yet. I used to babysit. The best child that I've watched for about 2 months, 5 days a week, 9 hours a day is Kayla. She is the cutest and sweetest girl. I have pictures of her in future reference. She moved. Which brings me to my next subject.

My dad and Mom

Brothers: The Sibling Rivalry

I have brothers. No sisters. Just 3 brothers. All older too. They are (from oldest to youngest) Marc, Brian, and Eric. Marc and Brian are my half brothers - Eric is my real brother.

My and my ma...

Marc: The Oldest Sibling

Marc is 27. His birthday is January 31st. He is currently living with his girlfriend, Andrea, in Pennsylvania. Actually, Marc proposed to her FINALLY!!! She said yes. I'm very excited to have a (soon-to-be) sister-in-law. He is tall (dont know height exactly) and smokes. He has a cat - named HandiCat b/c it's handicapped... got hit by a car.

Brian: The Cutest Sibling

Brian is 22. His birthday is in May. This guy you cannot lie to. He always knows when you are lieing. Word of Advice, if you are at a young age for 10 or younger - dont eat w/ your mouth open when he has duct tape :oP He is a volunteer fireman in Massachusetts. He likes to do like, all sports. He has a girlfriend, Alina (a-L-EE-N-a). She's going to college in Massachusetts also. He's major is... I forgot lol

Eric: The HardWorking/Rich Sibling

Eric is 19. He is like 6' something ". His birthday is in October. He's single but trying to go out with a 22 y/o named Janine. Yes, her name is the same as mine. He recently dropped out of college. He and Brian don't smoke.

Jeannine: The Spoiled Baby Sibling

Now for me. I'm Jeannine, again. I'm 17 years of age and dont drive yet, unlike everyone else in this whole friggin world!!!!!! *jealousy is sensed* But I took a written test and passed. So now all I need to do is take my driving test and I will have my license. But I have to do that in September because I'm under that new gay-ass GDL law or something. My parents also just bought me a car. It's a 1989 fire-engine red Hyundai Excel GL. I love it. My birthday is July 20th. I am in 11th grade. I plan to go to college. I want my major to be Art. I want to be either an author, artist, or a secretary. I am currently writing a story but I dont think it'll be done until the end of next summer. I am happily taken by John (again, yes, my ex). He's my baby. I love you, Boon!

Here is my friend, April, giving me a hug. She's the one looking away the camera.

Boredom: What I do to keep myself sane

When I'm bored, I like to go on AOL IM (im me: Luv2Drive83). I also like to email people just as long as they write me back. I am not a virgin. I love to listen to Limp Bizkit, Ludacris, Nelly, Ja Rule, Lil BowWow, R. Kelly, Eminem, Toni Braxton, 3LW, JayZ, etc. I play the piano by ear. I can't read music. My two favorite authors are Dean Koontz and Dave Pelzer. I'm lactose intolerant and my gums in my mouth are shrinking. The dentist said it's odd b/c it's happening at a young age. I have special toothpaste for it. I'm also allergic to penicillin.

Lauren: The Hooch

Lauren is one of my best friends. She hooked me up with one of my ex-boyfriends, John (aka Cluelow). Things didnt work out between us. But then we got back together after about a year. WOOHOO! But she has been there for me for a long time. Her favorite kind of car is an Eclipse. She's gonna get a silver one before she dies. Her birthday is August 4th. She's so funny and so kind. HEY JIGGA! *your mom* Good luck with R--c-! You get to see it any weekend you want. "Shorts Already?" "I quit smoking weed when I was 40" *your mean*

Liz: "We are so cool, we make me sick"

Liz is another one of my Jiggaz. John, Lauren, and Liz are my main jiggaz. I love them SO much. Noelle and Krissy are newly jiggaz. We ALL have boyfriends (except for John hehe). Anyway, Liz is also my cousin. She's awesome. Hey, Liz, how's Shibby? I miss you girl! When will I see you again? She's one of the people I love to death. Ok, she's 16 and her birthday is March 28th. Her favorite colors are blue and silver. Her favorite bands are Incubus, Dave Matthew's Band, and hmmmmm.... stuff like that. Her boyfriend is Andrew. He's cool. I have approved of him and she is SO happy w/ him. K, well, that's my grrl!

Here's a poem I wrote for Lauren, Liz, and John:


I have three angels

Beautiful and free

Guardian Angels,

They somewhat are to me

They keep me safe

They keep me cool

They keep me trying

To pass in school.

They got my back

We all have jokes,

If I were wet with rain

They'd give me their coats

Liz is my cousin

Lauren is my grrl

John is my baby

"Hey Jiggaz, I hurled!"

Liz has a nice ass

Lauren has a ghetto booty

John works it fast

And I can be moody

We arent all smokers

True dat, true dat

Drinking is confusing

He took my cell in a flash

But we will get him

Matt Orange, that is

He talks like a pimp

And swallows his own jizz

Yes, people like him should die

Because my angels dont go for that

They'll strangle him with a tie

And bash his head in with a bat

These may not be the angels of God

But they are the angels for me

We are four peas in a pod

And that's the way it's gonna be


Aileen: Long Lost Friend

Aileen is one of my bestest friends. I've known her since she moved across the street from me on Aug 1 of...... darn, forgot the year....... (sorry grrl). I dedicate the song "I Wish" by R. Kelly to her. I know it's about a guy's best friend dieing but she lives far from me and I wish I could "I wish that I could hold you now, I wish that I could touch you now, I wish that I could talk to you, be with you somehow, I know you're better place, even though I cant see you face, I know smiling down on me, saying 'Everythings ok'. And if I make it through this ThugLife I'll see you again someday. I wish I wish I wish, I wish I wish I wish". She's really cool and funny but she moved to North Jersey and I live in South Jersey. This summer, I am taking Meg to come with me to drive to N. Jersey to pick Aileen up (thats the only friend of mine that Aileen knows). Us, three, are gonna go NUTS when we see each other. We have SO many memories together. I email her but not as often as I like. I miss u grrl. You know I'll love you no matter what happens to either of us. You're so special to me. I told you that I'd NEVER to forget about you. I havent yet, and I wont. If I visit and Theresa still is doing what she does, I am gonna give her a little talking to *smile*. Aileen, dont forget about me, grrl! I LOVE YA!!

Links: This'll keep you busy


  • Christina's Page. She sat at my lunch table. She's funny.
  • A Page I made for Kayla
  • Dan's Last Stand Homepage (John's band)

    Slambook: Sign the dunk!

    sign my slambook

    Guestbook: What are your thoughts?

    Sign Me Guestbook

    My friend, Dave's poems that he wrote - I made this page

    Friends: Pictures of my friends

    Check out my new page about my friends

    Jeffrey: Rest Peacefully

    CHECK OUT MY BABY'S OWN WITTLE PAGE!! (that isnt a pic of him)

    Family: Pictures of the Loved


    Pictures of Me: The Designer


    Survey: Is he hot or what?

    My Survey
    Do you think the picture above (Thom G ) is cute?

    Do you think John is a loser?

    and more ....
    Current Results

    Others: Pages I made for Other People

  • A page I made for Kayla
  • A page I made for my cousin, RJ