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Who Was Ed Curry?

Ed Curry provided Microsoft with a suite of diagnostics to determine whether Windows NT was worthy of C2 certification. The diagnostics found that the OS did not meet the required standards, and had serious security problems. Microsoft tried to hush-hush the matter, so it could sell licenses to the Pentagon. Mr. Curry refused to go along. He was never paid, and his company went bankrupt. Not long afterward, he died of a stress-induced stroke. Ed Curry's findings, and the shabby way he was treated, are now a matter of public record. Lest he be forgotten, we have compiled the list of links below.

List found on InfoWorld forums
Wired story: Should Feds Trust Windows NT?
Mary Jo Foley: New security flap over Windows NT
Sm@rt Reseller story: NT Systems may not be locked
Nick Petreley in InfoWorld: Probing into C2 security claims
CGN: Former Microsoft contractor Ed Curry says that the company deliberately misled government buyers
CGN: NT critic gets audience with DOD chieftains Tragic news regarding Ed Curry
Cryptome: Who Hides The Truth About NT? And Why?

Ed Curry in his own words

On InfoWorld forum: Ed Curry
EzBoard: Some Ed Curry messages from IWE

Ed Curry's other discoveries

Cyrix 486 CPU Bug

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