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Planet Trunks

Hi eveybody. I'm Aaron. This site is the best.I have lot's of stuff here,but It need alot of work, so if you do not like it come back later. The song you might be hearing now is the ening theme song of D.B.G.T.If you live in the New York area, be sure to check out Gotham City comics. Come back now.

Click here to find out who trunks is!

Click here to find outabout all the movies and specials.

Click here to learn about the Earth balls'> Click here to go to fanfic

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Click here go to Trunks trivia

Clic here to add on to a story

Click here to learn song words

Click here to go to my new Image Gallery.,

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Click here to find out what i learned about dragon ball z

Click here to vote on my many wonderful poles.

Click here to go to my multipedia

Click here to look at some hotties (these hotties are women)

Click here to find out some very interesting puns!!??

Click here for First Appearences

Click here for time line of all dbzgt

Click here to go to the Tenchia Bodokia

Click here to find out how ubbsest you are about dbz

Click here to find out the power levels of trunks

Click here to find out where trunks got that magical sword

Click here to look at my dedication page

a href='/nj2/dbzgt/dedicate.html'>/a>
