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Luba Pictures

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Luba's Head Shot from Jekyll & Hyde

Luba in a very strange position Taken from InTheatre

Luba getting her hair done Taken from InTheatre

One of Luba's Head Shots

Luba during In His Eyes

Luba and Robert Evan during Dangerous Game

Luba during Sympathy, Tenderness

Luba during A New Life

Luba as Lucy Harris Taken from InTheatre

Another of Luba during In His Eyes

Luba and Robert Cuccioli

Luba during Broadway On Broadway

Another of Luba during Broadway On Broadway

A Sketch of Luba I did

Luba in a blonde wig and yellow dress from H2$

Part of a cast pic All Frank Wildhorns shows. Luba is circled.

Luba , Rob and Anastasia during Broadway On Broadway

Luba, Bob and Christiane taken for the J&H program.

A picture of me and Luba after her final performance.

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