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We waited outside and my new friends Emily and Greg and my friend Larry waited in front. We waited in line and for about 20 mins! Kane arrived first and I shook his hand and hugged him then the guy said hey kids wait out here the Brood is right behind us and Jason was on his phone!! Gangrel had a black eye :( He hugged me and said "hey girl". I told him about the shirts and he was happy. He said "ok give it to me when we get upstairs." So then I walked to Christian, me and Emily took a pic with him. He asked me how the site and club was doing. Then he asked about his wrestling figure and if I had seen it.

I told him I went to get it and some stupid kid grabbed it before me and he bought all 2. He was laughing and said, "i'll steal it when we get up there; show me this kid, I really want my figure." Then we asked about Gangrel's eye and Adam's enagament. He said, "yes Adam got engaged to Alanah." I said, "i know" and he smiled. Then I said, "you're not enagaged yet right?" He said "nope". And I said, "ok, well i'll just wait for my ring." And he just smiled and hugged me with one arm. Then we went back up cause Edge was gonna be late. We went up and I gave them the shirts and even talked alittle. Christian still complained to me about his figure. Then Edge came and he went in the wrong room. Then he came in and I tapped him. We got up to him and he saw the "Copelands Crew" shirt and said "wow, awsome, our own shirts". Then Christian came in that room where he was orginally suppose to be. I said, "God Jason, stop following me". He started laughing. He then signed a few autographs and I gasped and asked where his shirt was. And he was like "shit"! He told the guard to get it for him, then Adam said thank you for the shirt and signed my "Copeland Crew" one. It says "To leader of Copelands Crew Jos, Edge". I shook his hand and said congratz on the engagment. He smiled and said thanks. My friend Larry asked if we were invited and he said that it wasn't planned yet and Larry said oh ok. Edge said that he'll let us know at the next autograph session. And they actually remembered my name.