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Updates Starting June 9th, 2000

July 9-11: Redid home page entirely, every thing is new, new layout and updated all info, all sections working but not redone. New images and icons put up!

July 19-21: Layout for entire site complete, all links up and working, made logo's for each section, made Vote Bykes200 Image on home page.

July 28: Made Enter vote page, may be a waste of time. Soon to come Flick Trix!

August 5: Took off all voting crap. Made Enter Page

August 12: Signed Up with money making program, put banner on home page because this one really works!

August 13: Added four new sections. Games which covers the new playstation bmx games, Bykers Bible where you can give an opinion or shout out, critics where I post my hate mail, and viewers where you can send your info.

August 14: Switched Home Page around assed How To section, Try out the new Get Paid To Surf Program!

August 16: Added some links and changed format some