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Approach stairs at confortable speed, lift front up and bring back up.Make sure you clear every thing so you dont case the last step. Land on both wheels at same time. Start doing 1 or 2 stairs and work your way up.

Stair Pic


When approaching the ledge you can coast off it or lift your front end and get some air. Make sure you land with both wheels but you may some times land on your back wheel. Never land with your front wheel! Then start small and work your way to higher ledges.

Ledge Pic


 When coming towards the gap the first thing to do is get your front wheel up. Then pull up with your back wheel up into a bronco. Make sure you get over the gap so you don't bust your a§§. If you don't get your back tire up you it will hit the curb or what ever you are trying to get over and you will land on your front tire.

Gap Pic


To do a manual you are gonna need a little strength. First Stand up on the pedals, get a comfortable speed going, and position. Then at once you lift your bars pull back some what hard. Lean towards your back wheel and see how long you can hold it. Practice makes perfect. Oh and you can use your brakes if you feel your going backwards.

Manual Pic