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How To Do some Easy Beginner Tricks

"Be careful and wear all equipment if trying these tricks. Each trick can be tweaked a little in different situations, just practice and you will see."

Email Me if any thing is wrong, bad info, or want a personal tip

1.    Bunny hop: This is the most asked trick around, and it is the most basic. But it is the start of every thing. First you are going to need the strength to lift up your bike. Any way start by lifting your front end. Get 6 to 12 inches off the ground and that's when you lift your back tire. It will take some practice. A tip is to half pedal once your front end is up. Try and try again


2.    Bronco: When you can bunny pretty good it is time for the bronco. Its the same thing except you bring your front end like a wheelie then lift your back end and squeeze into your body for maximum height.


3.    Manual 180°: Go at a slow speed, lift the front end then swing your whole body to the left or right which ever you like. To get all the way around use your head and bars and really push it. Spin on your back wheel until u get to were you want to be.


4.    Manual Up A Curb: To manual up a curb or something high you have to have the bunny hop/bronco and manual aced. Once you no how to do that approach the curb at a  speed you like. Bronco onto the curb by lifting your front tire up and lifting the back. Now you are in the air you are going to have to keep your front end up until you make contact and manual through.


5.    Manual Down A Curb: To manual down a curb is quite easy. When approaching the curb or ledge which you are manualing off just lift your front end, when you make contact with the ground make sure you land on the back wheel and ride the manual out of it.


6.    Wheelie: Start pedaling, coast for a second. Then with all you might lift the front end and start pedaling. When you are up their you will have to be kind of vertical to keep pedaling. Remember to stay straight and don't turn, and if you feel you are going to bail stop pedaling and get the front end on the ground.


7.    Wheelie Up A Curb: Almost like the manual up a curb. After you are in the bronco and land on the curb pedal out of it and see how far you can continue to wheelie.


8.    Wheelie Down A Curb: Raise the front end of your bike and coast down the curb. Land with your back wheel and continue to pedal into a wheelie.


9.    One Footer: When approaching the jump go at a good speed to get air, when you have enough air wait until you think its a good time to kick you leg out. Which ever leg you kick out the opposite leg will that is on the pedal will go vertical. Get your other leg back on and land. 


10.    Ground X-up: When riding at a moderate speed lift up your front end. Turn which ever way is comfortable weather left or right. If you have big bars this may be a little harder. Turn you bars all the way in so your arms make an X. When done you must get your bars back so you don't bail. After some practice you can try this in the air.


11.    Ground 180°: I like going pretty slow for this one. Stand on the pedals, and then bunny hop/bronco to the direction you want to go, as your doing this use your strength and body to turn also. Once you have that down you can 360° by doing the same thing but balancing it out and spinning on the back wheel to the full 360°


12.    Endo: One way you can an endow is by going at a moderate speed and hitting a curb, wall, or parking cement and lifting the back end up, pull into your body. Then let your bike down and now you have to get out of it. What you have to do is ride backwards. Or you can gradually move your wheel in either direction almost like a manual 180°.


13.    Endo 1 Footer: Do an Endo but take your foot off the pedal and extend it as much as you could. get it back on before your back tire hits the ground and ride out of it.


14.    Riding Backwards: This is tough but fun. To do this you can push off some thing to practice. You are going to have to balance your self while pedaling backwards. This is quite awkward but you can get it. You will have to steer with your bars and look backwards.


15.    Dead Man: A dead man or I think its called is when you jump a ramp, dirt, ledge or what ever you try to get as vertical as possible. Almost like touching your front tire. To do this after you jump bring your bars to your chest and head over the bars. Hold it if you can, them bring the front end down and land it.


16.    Tail Whip: To do this on the ground all you do is use your front break or foot and make your back end go up. If using your foot like I do put your foot in the front tire and with the other foot push your frame in which ever direction. If you have pegs use them to stand on if not use your tire which is a little harder. Spin on the peg or tire them when your frame comes around jump on and land.


17.    Speed: Ok you know what speed is. So when your on a big hill or straight away start pedaling as fast as you can, don't stop. Keep pedaling until it burns and still don't stop. Try to go as fast as you can. Get low and feel the speed. Then once you are breathless stop pedaling stand on your pedals and feel the air. Maybe I'm weird but I love getting mad speed them just cruising!