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Lord of the Rings Chaos
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Here's a list of all the cards I've got. Scroll down past this list for my want list. If you're willing to make a trade for one of my cards, just email me at Be sure to include a phrase similair to "LOTR cards" in the subject line and leave me an email address or some way of getting back to you(AIM works too). I'd be especially intereseted in Raider cards and Gondor cards, but others will do too.

Number Title Culture Type Copies Comment
0 P 16 *Faramir, Son of Denethor Gondor Companion 3  
1 R 1 The One Ring, Isildur's Bane None The One Ring 1  
1 C 3 Axe Strike Dwarven Event 2  
1 C 6 Delving Dwarven Event 2  
1 C 7 Dwarf Guard Dwarven Companion 3  
1 C 8 Dwarven Armor Dwarven Possession 2  
1 C 9 Dwarven Axe Dwarven Possession 3  
1 C 10 Dwarven Heart Dwarven Condition 2  
1 C 11 Farin, Dwarven Emissary Dwarven Companion 2  
1 C 19 Here Lies Balin, Son of Fundin Dwarven Event 3  
1 C 20 Let Them Come! Dwarven Condition 1  
1 C 21 Lord of Moria Dwarven Condition 1  
1 C 24 Stairs of Khazad-dum Dwarven Condition 2  
1 C 25 Still Draws Breath Dwarven Event 3  
1 U 27 Thrarin, Dwarven Smith Dwarven Ally 1  
1 C 32 Border Defenses Elven Event 1  
1 C 37 Defiance Elven Event 1  
1 R 40 Elrond, Lord of Rivendell Elven Ally 1  
1 C 41 Elven Bow Elven Possession 1  
1 C 42 Elven Cloak Elven Possession 1  
1 C 43 Far-seeing Eyes Elven Condition 2  
1 U 46 Gift of Boats Elven Condition 1  
1 U 51 Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood Elven Companion 1  
1 C 58 The Seen and the Unseen Elven Event 1  
1 U 65 Swan-ship of the Galadhrim Elven Event 1  
1 U 70 Barliman Butterbur, Prancing P... Gandalf Ally 2  
1 C 76 Intimidate Gandalf Event 2  
1 C 84 Sleep, Caradhras Gandalf Event 3  
1 C 86 Treachery Deeper Than You Know Gandalf Event 2  
1 R 89 Aragorn, Ranger of the North Gondor Companion 1  
1 R 90 Aragorn's Bow Gondor Possession 1  
1 U 91 Aragorn's Pipe Gondor Possession 1  
1 C 92 Armor Gondor Possession 1  
1 R 93 Arwen's Fate Gondor Event 1  
1 U 94 Athelas Gondor Possession 2  
1 R 96 Boromir, Lord of Gondor Gondor Companion 1  
1 U 97 Boromir, Son of Denethor Gondor Companion 4  
1 C 101 Coat of Mail Gondor Possession 2  
1 C 104 Eregion's Trails Gondor Event 2  
1 C 106 Gondor's Vengeance Gondor Event 1  
1 C 107 Great Shield Gondor Possession 2  
1 U 108 No Stranger to the Shadows Gondor Condition 2  
1 C 110 Pathfinder Gondor Event 3  
1 U 112 Ranger's Sword Gondor Possession 1  
1 C 116 Swordarm of the White Tower Gondor Event 3  
1 C 117 Swordsman of the Northern Kingdom Gondor Event 4  
1 C 119 What Are They? Gondor Event 2  
1 C 121 Bred for Battle Isengard Event 5  
1 U 126 Hunt Them Down! Isengard Event 1  
1 U 130 No Ordinary Storm Isengard Condition 1  
1 C 133 Saruman's Ambition Isengard Condition 2  
1 C 134 Saruman's Chill Isengard Condition 2  
1 U 136 Saruman's Power Isengard Event 1  
1 C 141 Their Arrows Enrage Isengard Condition 2  
1 C 145 Uruk Brood Isengard Minion 1  
1 C 149 Uruk Messenger Isengard Minion 1  
1 C 150 Uruk Rager Isengard Minion 4  
1 C 151 Uruk Savage Isengard Minion 3  
1 C 152 Uruk Shaman Isengard Minion 3  
1 U 153 Uruk Slayer Isengard Minion 3  
1 C 154 Uruk Soldier Isengard Minion 4 1 foil
1 C 156 Uruk Warrior Isengard Minion 1  
1 C 157 Uruk-hai Armory Isengard Condition 2  
1 C 158 Uruk-hai Raiding Party Isengard Minion 2  
1 C 160 Uruk-hai Sword Isengard Possession 1  
1 R 167 Denizens Enraged Moria Event 1  
1 R 173 Goblin Armory Moria Condition 1  
1 C 176 Goblin Marksman Moria Minion 1  
1 C 177 Goblin Patrol Troop Moria Minion 3  
1 U 178 Goblin Runner Moria Minion 1  
1 C 180 Goblin Scimitar Moria Possession 3  
1 U 181 Goblin Sneak Moria Minion 1  
1 C 182 Goblin Spear Moria Possession 2  
1 C 184 Goblin Wallcrawler Moria Minion 1  
1 C 187 Host of Thousands Moria Event 1  
1 U 188 The Long Dark Moria Condition 1  
1 C 191 Moria Scout Moria Minion 1  
1 C 197 Threat of the Unknown Moria Event 1  
1 R 200 The Underdeeps of Moria Moria Condition 1  
1 C 201 Unfamiliar Territory Moria Event 1  
1 R 214 In the Ringwraith's Wake Ringwraith Event 1  
1 R 216 Morgul Blade Ringwraith Possession 1  
1 U 218 Nazgul Sword Ringwraith Possession 1  
1 U 231 Ulaire Enquea, Lieutenant of M... Ringwraith Minion 1  
1 U 238 Wreathed in Shadow Ringwraith Condition 1  
1 U 239 All Thought Bent on It Sauron Event 1  
1 C 248 Forces of Mordor Sauron Event 2  
1 R 253 Journey Into Danger Sauron Condition 1  
1 C 255 Mordor's Strength Sauron Event 3  
1 C 261 Orc Ambusher Sauron Minion 3  
1 U 262 Orc Assassin Sauron Minion 4  
1 C 266 Orc Chieftain Sauron Minion 3  
1 U 267 Orc Hunters Sauron Minion 2  
1 C 268 Orc Inquisitor Sauron Minion 2  
1 C 269 Orc Scimitar Sauron Possession 1  
1 C 273 The Ring's Oppression Sauron Event 1  
1 C 277 Shadow's Reach Sauron Event 3  
1 C 278 Strength Born of Fear Sauron Condition 1  
1 U 280 Tower Lieutenant Sauron Minion 1  
1 C 281 Under the Watching Eye Sauron Condition 3  
1 C 290 Frodo, Son of Drogo Shire Companion 2  
1 C 295 Hobbit Farmer Shire Ally 1  
1 C 296 Hobbit Intuition Shire Event 2  
1 C 297 Hobbit Party Guest Shire Ally 3  
1 C 299 Hobbit Sword Shire Possession 2  
1 C 303 Merry, From O'er the Brandywine Shire Companion 1  
1 C 305 Old Toby Shire Possession 1  
1 C 306 Pippin, Friend to Frodo Shire Companion 1  
1 U 309 Rosie Cotton, Hobbiton Lass Shire Ally 2  
1 R 310 Sam, Faithful Companion Shire Companion 1  
1 C 311 Sam, Son of Hamfast Shire Companion 1  
1 R 314 Stone Trolls Shire Condition 1  
1 C 315 Stout and Sturdy Shire Event 2  
1 U 319 Bag End None Site 1  
1 U 320 East Road None Site 1  
1 U 324 The Prancing Pony None Site 1  
1 C 326 Westfarthing None Site 1  
1 U 327 Bree Gate None Site 1  
1 C 331 Ettenmoors None Site 1  
1 C 337 Council Courtyard None Site 2  
1 U 340 Rivendell Terrace None Site 2  
1 U 341 Rivendell Valley None Site 1  
1 U 344 Dwarrowdelf Chamber None Site 1  
1 C 346 Moria Lake None Site 1  
1 C 349 The Bridge of Khazad-dum None Site 4  
1 U 350 Dimrill Dale None Site 1  
1 C 351 Galadriel's Glade None Site 2  
1 U 352 Lothlorien Woods None Site 2  
1 C 354 Anduin Wilderland None Site 2  
1 U 355 Silverlode Banks None Site 3  
1 C 356 Anduin Banks None Site 1  
1 U 358 Pillars of the Kings None Site 1  
1 U 361 Slopes of Amon Hen None Site 2  
1 U 363 Tol Brandir None Site 2  
1 P 365 Aragorn, King in Exile Gondor Companion 2  
2 C 5 Flurry of Blows Dwarven Event 9  
2 C 6 *Fror, Gimli's Kinsman Dwarven Companion 1  
2 R 7 *Gloin, Friend to Thorin Dwarven Companion 1  
2 C 10 Hand Axe Dwarven Possession 3  
2 C 14 Till Durin Wakes Again Dwarven Condition 1  
2 U 16 A Blended Race Elven Condition 1  
2 R 20 Secret Sentinels Elven Event 1  
2 C 21 *Erland, Advisor to Brand Gandalf Ally 1  
2 R 22 *Gandalf's Staff Gandalf Artifact 1  
2 C 24 *Hugin, Emissary from Laketown Gandalf Ally 1  
2 C 29 Wizard Staff Gandalf Possession 2  
2 C 44 No Business of Ours Isengard Condition 1  
2 R 46 *Uruk Captain Isengard Minion 1  
2 U 48 Wizard Storm Isengard Condition 1  
2 C 51 *The Balrog, Durin's Bane Moria Minion 1  
2 U 59 Foul Things Moria Event 1  
2 C 60 Goblin Bowman Moria Minion 1  
2 C 62 Goblin Pursuer Moria Minion 3  
2 C 63 Goblin Reinforcements Moria Minion 1  
2 C 64 Goblin Scrabbler Moria Minion 1  
2 C 65 Goblin Spearman Moria Minion 2  
2 U 68 Must Do Without Hope Moria Event 2  
2 C 69 Old Differences Moria Event 1  
2 U 81 They Will Find the Ring Ringwraith Event 1  
2 U 82 *Ulaire Attea, The Easterling Ringwraith Minion 1  
2 C 89 Orc Scout Sauron Minion 3  
2 C 90 Orc Taskmaster Sauron Minion 1  
2 U 92 Spies of Mordor Sauron Condition 2  
2 C 95 Vile Blade Sauron Possession 4  
2 C 99 Deft in Their Movements Shire Event 1  
2 C 102 *Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer Shire Companion 2  
2 C 104 *Merry, Horticulturalist Shire Companion 1  
2 R 105 *Mithril-coat Shire Artifact 1  
2 U 106 Nice Imitation Shire Condition 1  
2 R 109 Orc-bane Shire Event 1  
2 C 114 *Sam, Proper Poet Shire Companion 1  
2 U 115 Hobbiton Party Field None Site 1  
2 U 118 Great Chasm None Site 1  
2 P 121 *Gimli, Dwarf of the Mountain-... Dwarven Companion 2  
2 P 122 *Gandalf, The Grey Pilgrim Gandalf Companion 1  
3 U 7 *Arwen, Elven Rider Elven Companion 1  
3 U 47 Voice of Rauros Gondor Event 1  
3 C 69 *Saruman, Servant of the Eye Isengard Minion 1  
3 C 108 Frying Pan Shire Possession 1  
4 C 3 Anger Dunland Event 2  
4 C 4 Band of Wild Men Dunland Minion 3  
4 C 7 Dark Fury Dunland Event 3  
4 U 8 Death to the Strawheads Dunland Event 2  
4 C 10 Dunlending Brigand Dunland Minion 3  
4 C 12 Dunlending Madman Dunland Minion 3  
4 U 13 Dunlending Pillager Dunland Minion 3  
4 C 14 Dunlending Ransacker Dunland Minion 3  
4 C 16 Dunlending Robber Dunland Minion 5  
4 C 17 Dunlending Savage Dunland Minion 4  
4 C 21 Hillman Band Dunland Minion 1  
4 C 25 Hillman Tribe Dunland Minion 1  
4 C 26 Iron Axe Dunland Possession 4  
4 U 34 *Secret Folk Dunland Condition 1  
4 R 35 Wake of Destruction Dunland Event 1  
4 U 36 War Club Dunland Possession 1  
4 U 38 Wild Man of Dunland Dunland Minion 1  
4 C 42 Best Company Dwarven Event 5  
4 C 44 *Courtesy of My Hall Dwarven Condition 2  
4 C 49 *Gimli, Unbidden Guest Dwarven Companion 3  
4 C 50 *Here Is Good Rock Dwarven Condition 1  
4 C 51 Khazad Ai-menu Dwarven Event 3  
4 R 52 *My Axe Is Notched Dwarven Condition 1  
4 U 53 Quick As May Be Dwarven Event 2  
4 R 55 Restless Axe Dwarven Event 1  
4 C 56 Search Far and Wide Dwarven Event 1  
4 U 57 *Stout and Strong Dwarven Condition 1  
4 U 62 Elven Bow Elven Possession 4  
4 C 64 Elven Sword Elven Possession 3  
4 U 66 Feathered Elven Event 1  
4 C 67 *Fereveldir, Son of Thandronen Elven Companion 1  
4 C 68 *Ferevellon, Son of Thandronen Elven Companion 1  
4 C 71 *Haldir, Emissary of the Galad... Elven Companion 1  
4 R 73 *Legolas, Dauntless Hunter Elven Companion 1  
4 C 74 *Legolas, Elven Comrade Elven Companion 3  
4 U 77 Lorien Is Most Welcome Elven Condition 1  
4 C 78 Lorien Swordsman Elven Companion 4  
4 U 81 *Pengedhel, Naith Warrior Elven Companion 1  
4 C 83 Supporting Fire Elven Event 1  
4 R 84 Sword-wall Elven Event 1  
4 U 86 *Thonnas, Naith Captain Elven Companion 1  
4 C 87 Valor Elven Event 7  
4 U 88 *Behold the White Rider Gandalf Condition 1  
4 C 90 *Gandalf, The White Wizard Gandalf Companion 2  
4 C 93 Have Patience Gandalf Event 1  
4 U 96 Keep Your Forked Tongue Gandalf Event 1  
4 C 97 Long I Fell Gandalf Event 1  
4 U 99 Roll of Thunder Gandalf Event 1  
4 C 102 Task Was Not Done Gandalf Event 1  
4 C 104 *Treebeard, Oldest Living Thing Gandalf Ally 1  
4 U 108 Wizardry Indeed Gandalf Event 1  
4 C 109 *Aragorn, Heir of Elendil Gondor Companion 2  
4 U 110 Arrows Thick in the Air Gondor Event 1  
4 C 112 *Boromir's Gauntlets Gondor Possession 1  
4 C 115 Defend It and Hope Gondor Event 1  
4 R 116 *Faramir, Captain of Gondor Gondor Companion 1  
4 C 117 *Faramir, Son of Denethor Gondor Companion 2  
4 R 118 *Faramir's Bow Gondor Possession 2  
4 R 119 *Faramir's Cloak Gondor Possession 1 1 foil
4 U 123 Hard Choice Gondor Event 1  
4 U 127 *Mablung, Soldier of Gondor Gondor Companion 1  
4 C 128 New Errand Gondor Event 1  
4 C 129 Pathfinder Gondor Event 2  
4 U 132 *Ranger's Sword, Blade of Aragorn Gondor Possession 2  
4 C 134 Sword of Gondor Gondor Possession 1  
4 C 135 War and Valor Gondor Event 2  
4 U 136 Advance Uruk Patrol Isengard Minion 1  
4 C 137 Attack on Helm's Deep Isengard Condition 1  
4 U 138 Band of Uruk Bowmen Isengard Minion 1  
4 R 139 Banished Isengard Condition 1  
4 C 141 Beyond Dark Mountains Isengard Event 1  
4 C 142 Broad-bladed Sword Isengard Possession 4  
4 U 143 Brought Back Alive Isengard Event 1  
4 C 145 Cloud of Arrows Isengard Event 2  
4 R 150 *Elite Crossbowmen Isengard Minion 2  
4 C 151 Ferocity Isengard Event 3  
4 U 152 Get Back Isengard Event 1  
4 C 153 *Grima, Son of Galmod Isengard Minion 1  
4 R 154 *Grima, Wormtongue Isengard Minion 1  
4 U 155 Haunting Her Steps Isengard Event 1  
4 U 159 Many Riddles Isengard Condition 1  
4 C 165 Orthanc Warrior Isengard Minion 5  
4 R 168 Race Across the Mark Isengard Condition 1  
4 R 174 *Saruman's Staff, Wizard's Device Isengard Artifact 1  
4 C 175 Still They Came Isengard Event 3  
4 C 178 *Unferth, Grima's Bodyguard Isengard Minion 2  
4 C 180 Uruk Besieger Isengard Minion 2 1 foil
4 C 181 Uruk Chaser Isengard Minion 1  
4 U 182 Uruk Crossbow Troop Isengard Minion 1  
4 C 184 Uruk Defender Isengard Minion 3  
4 C 185 Uruk Fanatic Isengard Minion 4  
4 C 187 Uruk Foot Soldier Isengard Minion 1  
4 C 190 Uruk Pursuer Isengard Minion 2  
4 C 191 Uruk Rear Guard Isengard Minion 2  
4 C 192 Uruk Regular Isengard Minion 5  
4 C 193 Uruk Runner Isengard Minion 1  
4 U 194 Uruk Searcher Isengard Minion 2  
4 C 195 Uruk Seeker Isengard Minion 1 1 foil
4 C 197 Uruk Stalker Isengard Minion 5  
4 C 198 Uruk Stormer Isengard Minion 1  
4 C 204 Uruk-hai Marauder Isengard Minion 1  
4 U 205 Uruk-hai Mob Isengard Minion 1  
4 C 206 Uruk-hai Patrol Isengard Minion 3  
4 C 207 Uruk-hai Raiding Party Isengard Minion 3  
4 C 212 Weary Isengard Condition 1  
4 U 217 *Desert Lancers Raider Minion 1  
4 R 219 *Desert Lord Raider Minion 1  
4 C 221 Desert Spearman Raider Minion 1  
4 C 222 Desert Warrior Raider Minion 1  
4 C 224 Easterling Axeman Raider Minion 3  
4 R 225 *Easterling Captain Raider Minion 1  
4 C 227 Easterling Infantry Raider Minion 2  
4 C 228 Easterling Lieutenant Raider Minion 1  
4 U 232 Elite Archer Raider Minion 1  
4 U 233 Fearless Raider Event 1  
4 C 235 Gathering to the Summons Raider Event 2  
4 U 236 Howl of Harad Raider Condition 1  
4 C 239 Men of Rhun Raider Event 2  
4 C 241 On the March Raider Event 1  
4 R 243 Rapid Fire Raider Event 1  
4 R 247 Southron Bow Raider Possession 1  
4 C 248 Southron Bowman Raider Minion 4  
4 U 250 Southron Explorer Raider Minion 1  
4 C 252 Southron Scout Raider Minion 2  
4 U 253 Southron Sentry Raider Minion 1  
4 C 254 Southron Soldier Raider Minion 1  
4 C 255 Southron Spear Raider Possession 1  
4 C 260 Whirling Strike Raider Event 1  
4 U 263 *Brego Rohan Possession 3  
4 C 266 *Eomer, Sister-son of Theoden Rohan Companion 2  
4 C 270 *Eowyn, Lady of Rohan Rohan Companion 2  
4 R 272 *Eowyn's Sword Rohan Possession 1  
4 C 273 Fight for the Villagers Rohan Event 2  
4 R 274 *Firefoot Rohan Possession 1  
4 U 276 *Fortress Never Fallen Rohan Condition 1  
4 C 277 *Guma, Plains Farmer Rohan Ally 1  
4 C 278 Heavy Chain Rohan Possession 3  
4 U 280 *Herugrim Rohan Possession 2  
4 U 282 An Honorable Charge Rohan Event 3  
4 C 283 Horse of Rohan Rohan Possession 4  
4 C 286 Rider of Rohan Rohan Companion 4  
4 C 287 Rider's Mount Rohan Possession 1  
4 C 288 Rider's Spear Rohan Possession 1  
4 C 291 Sword of Rohan Rohan Possession 1  
4 C 292 *Theoden, Son of Thengel Rohan Companion 2  
4 R 293 Valleys of the Mark Rohan Condition 1  
4 R 294 Weapon Store Rohan Condition 1  
4 U 296 Well Stored Rohan Condition 1  
4 C 297 Work for the Sword Rohan Event 5  
4 C 298 Brace of Coneys Shire Possession 2  
4 C 302 *Frodo, Tired Traveller Shire Companion 4  
4 C 306 Hobbit Sword Shire Possession 6  
4 U 309 Light Shining Faintly Shire Event 1  
4 C 310 *Merry, Learned Guide Shire Companion 5  
4 C 314 *Pippin, Woolly-footed Rascal Shire Companion 6  
4 C 316 *Sam, Samwise the Brave Shire Companion 1  
4 C 319 Severed His Bonds Shire Event 4  
4 C 321 Swiftly and Softly Shire Event 4  
4 C 322 Warmed Up a Bit Shire Event 1  
4 U 323 East Wall of Rohan None Site 1  
4 U 326 Horse-country None Site 1  
4 U 327 Plains of Rohan None Site 2  
4 U 328 The Riddermark None Site 2  
4 U 329 Western Emyn Muil None Site 1  
4 U 332 Fangorn Forest None Site 1  
4 U 334 Rohirrim Village None Site 2  
4 U 335 Uruk Camp None Site 1  
4 U 336 Wold of Rohan None Site 1  
4 U 337 Barrows of Edoras None Site 2  
4 U 340 Streets of Edoras None Site 1  
4 U 341 Throne Room None Site 2  
4 U 342 Westemnet Plains None Site 2  
4 U 344 Westemnet Hills None Site 1  
4 U 346 White Rocks None Site 2  
4 U 347 Deep of Helm None Site 1  
4 U 349 Helm's Gate None Site 1  
4 U 350 Hornburg Courtyard None Site 1  
4 U 351 Hornburg Parapet None Site 2  
4 U 354 Hornburg Armory None Site 3  
4 U 355 Cavern Entrance None Site 2  
4 U 356 Hornburg Causeway None Site 2  
4 U 357 King's Room None Site 2  
4 U 358 Ring of Isengard None Site 2  
4 U 359 Wizard's Vale None Site 2  
4 U 360 Fortress of Orthanc None Site 1  
4 U 362 Orthanc Library None Site 1  
4 U 363 Palantir Chamber None Site 3  
4 P 364 *Aragorn, Wingfoot Gondor Companion 2  
4 P 365 *Theoden, Lord of the Mark Rohan Companion 2  
5 U 10 *Balglin, Elven Warrior Elven Companion 1  
5 C 73 Mumak Raider Possession 4  
5 C 74 Southron Marcher Raider Minion 3  
5 C 75 Southron Runner Raider Minion 4  
5 C 76 Southron Traveler Raider Minion 3  
5 P 121 *Legolas, Archer of Mirkwood Elven Companion 2  
5 R 123 Baruk Khazad (AI) Dwarven Event 1  
5 R 124 Break the Charge (AI) Elven Event 1  
5 R 126 *Army of Haradrim (AI) Raider Minion 1  
5 U 118 Hornburg Wall None Site 1  
5 U 12 *Legolas' Sword Elven Possession 1  
5 C 28 *Smeagol, Old Noser Gollum Companion 1  
5 C 27 Poor Wretch Gollum Condition 1  
5 C 43 War Must Be Gondor Event 2  
5 C 93 *Theoden, King of the Golden Hall Rohan Companion 1  
5 C 90 Rohirrim Scout Rohan Companion 1  
5 C 85 Let Us Be Swift Rohan Event 1  
5 U 22 Evil-smelling Fens Gollum Condition 1  
5 R 47 *Berserk Slayer Isengard Minion 1  
5 C 61 Uruk Engineer Isengard Minion 1  
5 C 53 Isengard Rider Isengard Minion 1  
5 U 63 Uruk-hai Berserker Isengard Minion 1  
5 C 67 Warg-rider Isengard Minion 1  
5 U 54 Isengard Scimitar Isengard Possession 1  
5 U 44 Battering Ram Isengard Condition 1  
5 R 72 Desert Stalker Raider Minion 1  
5 C 109 Orc Runner Sauron Minion 1  
5 C 98 Gate Trooper Sauron Minion 1  
Total number of titles: 396
Total number of cards: 696

My Want List:

The Choice of Luthien
Southron Troop
Valiant Man of the West
New Fear
War Mumak
The Saga of Elendil
Boromir, My Brother
Shields of Boromir
Wrath of Harad
Alcarin, Warrior of Lamedon
Stone Tower
Desert Stalker
Desert Legion
Eastern Emyn Muil
Pursuits Just Behind
Blade of Gondor
Banner of the White Tree
Vision From Afar
The Shards of Narsil
Citadel of Minas Tirith
These Are My People
Ruins of Osgiliath
Forbidden Pool
No Mere Ranger
Army of Haradrim
Southron Bow
Rapid Fire
Flaming Brand
Southron Assassin
Gondor Bowmen
Change of Plans
Southron Archer
Regiment of Haradrim
An Able Guide
Men of Harad
Strength of the Kings
Ithilien Wilderness
