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Belladonna's Garden

Yes, I know I dropped the ball.I am working on new entries and also on some things to make the website easier to navigate.Now that things are getting back to somewhat normal.

Sometimes I forget just how powerful the energies are.I had seen a little piece about Feng Shui on a TV show and in my quest to make my life more peaceful, prosperous, etc., etc. I thought this would be a good idea. I grabbed the phone book and low and behold there is a woman locally that does this work. The downside, at $150.00 an hour, she was definitely out of my price range. So, I surfed on over to and ordered several books on the subject. Having the next weekend off I devoured all the information I could on the theories, what to do what not to do and then set out to do every room in the house.

I drew the layout of every room. I knew where my missing areas were and which ones were blocked. I put mirrors where pictures were, moved the fountain downstairs, bought a new door knocker and changed everything I could think of.

Within 48 hours our lives were complete chaos, within two weeks I was ready to move out and file for divorce, the sale of my rental house fell through 3 days before closing, the store fell through at least until spring or summer, my one cat needed emergency surgery (he is fine now), and a dozen other things crashed and burned.

Now I have no idea what I did or how to fix it. Back to the books.

Work on one thing at a time, examine your life and decide on what one area needs to be worked on.

Don't change everything at once, change one item or the position of that item and wait for the energies to settle.If you don't like the result, at least you know what to reverse.

Check with a friend or two on how things feel after the change. Don't ask them until you have time to observe their reaction.

Just because the books say so doesn't mean that this is something you are going to want to change. I'm still not used to the mirror by the front door, it scares me when I turn around and see someone standing there even if it is my reflection. I'll change it eventually but I still feel things are in a cooling down period.

When I think back, I probably could have called this woman for a mini consultation or at least spread out the appointments or payments over several months. In retrospect, I'm probably lucky no one died, the change was so overwhelming. I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes, the dictionary is still missing.

So that is what has been happening here, I hope your lives have been calmer. Until next time...Love and Light.

You are always welcome in the Garden, where the chaos of color and scent combine into order.

Come on in, have a cup of tea, stay a spell.



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