too funny...

New York, NY.- Popster Britney Spears was involved in a fight friday night, an apparent victim of her own big mouth. Spears was entering a party her record label, Jive, was throwing and was overheard by several people trashing the members of the Backstreet Boys, who happen to be her label mates. A witness said Spears was repeatedly heard making comments about the groups appearance on her own album. She also complained a great deal about their new album, trashing most of the songs off their third CD, Millennium, which incidentally has been sitting at number one on the Billboard charts for a month. She reportedly made a very offensive remark about one particular track, The Perfect Fan, a song written by Backstreet Boys Brian Littrell about his mother. Spears called the song "Crap" and continued bashing it even as Littrell, who was arriving at the party himself, passed. Witnesses overheard Littrell saying he was going to ignore her, apparently the same didn't go for his guest. Leighanne Wallace, Littrell's girlfriend of several years confronted Spears about her comments and they got into a heated argument. Spears tried to attack Leighanne without any success before Wallace swung out at Spears, sending her crashing down on the carpet below knocking her out cold. Littrell took his girlfriend by the hand and pulled her away from Spears into the building. Wallace, as she entered the party, was overheard yelling at Spears "Want to be hit one more time!" a clever reference to the Spears song Hit me baby one more time After Spears was revived, she left the party with no comments. No lawsuit is pending as of yet.

From the Toronto Sun

"Teen music idol Britney Spears really stuck it to the thousands of people who attended her downtown autograph-signing session yesterday (July 14th), said many of her disappointed fans. She autographed pictures for an hour for about 200 fans outside The Bay at Yonge and Richmond Sts. yesterday at 12:30 p.m., but didn't sing or evensay hello to the other estimated 2,000 who crammed together under the blazing sun.'She could have walked on the runway, said hello or sang a song' said Sandra-Lee Da Silva, 19, from Ajax. 'We've been here since 9 a.m.' Some fans also said the reigning queen of teen should have taken more time and interest with admirers who got her autograph, most of whom had been waiting in line for hours. 'I walked up on stage and she signed my picture and smiled, then didn't say anything,' said Rehanna Rahaman, 14, from Mississauga..."

ok, this article appeared in an issue of tv guide...hehehe

did you catch singer Britney spears uplifting performance on Nickelodeon's Kids's Choice Awards.? If must have been pretty cold there--In Orlando Florida. Under the hot lights. Somebody get this 17-year-old pop star a bra! Folks were talking about the segment for days after, fueled by earlier hullabaloo over whether she has had breast impants. Something is sure different. We phoned Nickelodeon's brass, who explained that Spears was covered up during rehearsal, and that there wasn't much they could do since the show was live. "It was innappropriate," a network exec says. "Unfortunately, some things are beyond your control in a live telecast." Spears's handlers--the ones who put her in a bra and skimpy hot pants for sexy photos in Rolling Stone- Say this: "We have nothing really to say." Nestle did. It yanked it's sponsorship of her tour after seeing the pics.