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9th Grade 1966-67

"The Memorable Moments of the 1966-67 School Year"

  • the most important and greatest fun of being in the TAXMEN combo; the goods and the bads–the goods being, first of all, all of that green stuff we hauled in, the beginning little parties for 4 and 5 dollars, and then the huge $20 dates in Murfreesboro and Oak Valley; the wild MTSU parties cousin Roy Dallas got us, the regular every-other-week dances at Oak Valley, and the free banquets and assemblies. Even with hard practices and long 4 hour dates, the fun could never be paid for.

  • the exciting Freshman year–a little more work, but a little more fun; going to school in Mr. Willis' orange and blue trucks at seven; the fun before school talking under the stairs by Mr. Mick's lockers; Miss Kennedy's "fun" class and how she adored my work; hating to go to civics class with Willis, and the hilarious jokes of Coach Adcock; Mr. Hall's algebra class; my favorite class, Art I, and making psychedelic paintings with Richard Biggs, Kenneth Pohlman, and Bobby Akin; softball and soccer in gym; and finally, Mrs. Miller's Spanish class, and fun in the lab.

  • like every year, the many loves of me; starting with Susan Locke-and me paying her way to the fair; Kay Sanford for about a week, and then Locke again; meanwhile, Deanna Green trying to get me; breaking up with Locke and trying for Green when she starts with Bill; trying for Debbie Randall; getting Green at the Randall's party on my birthday for about 2 whole weeks, and then back to Bill for her; a few more attempts for Green and then just quitting; back to Sanford for about 2 weeks; an almost successful try at Green again.

  • all the different dances and parties; the new Community Center and Spy dances; Oak Valley–– the long ride down there and trying to get everyone to dance; playing at school assemblies when the younger girls scream and want us to sign autographs.

  • having a punishment of "standing up" in Kennedy's English I class.

  • when everyone called me the "freshman Steve Moore" because of an announcement for a Bulletin Board Committee meeting over the intercom.

  • the waiting and waiting and waiting for the annuals, what color they would be, and the extra 50˘ for a "great" color picture- and when they arrived, having to play at Neely's Bend's assembly on the same period we would get out to sign them.

  • the lunch period of ice cream sandwiches, 2 and 3 hamburgers, and the "sloppy" sloppy Joes.

  • camping out at Willis' backyard tent--when Don Randall called Ricky Christian "Pinocchio."

  • the surprise party for the Latimers; all the different couples (Mike Padgett & Ann Bailey, Tommy Davis & Patsy Corr, and Garry Latimer's try for Diane Mathis).

  • calling Roger Ferguson "Kent" and him calling me "Teisco."

  • the tent dresses, sandals, long hair, flowered shorts, and other fads.

  • Marianne Cashman tagging me on Sadie Hawkins Week, but luckily we had to play at the dance at the end of the week. (Ha, ha)

  • worrying if I had to go to Peabody the following year.
                                     The Psychedelic

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