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Reveille Concert Reviews

August 7, 1999 - Birch Hill, Old Bridge Nj
Show with Double Drive and Powerman 5000

I got to the show not knowing much about Reveille, i was mainly there for Powerman 5000. Before the show even started, i met almost all of the band while they were standing around by their van. They were really nice, and to my surprise they were also alot younger than i had thought.
The show started with Double Drive, a band from Atlanta, Ga i believe. They were ok, but i was there to see Powerman 5000. After Double Drive, Reveille was set to play. They came out and from the very first chord they blew me away. I was literally in awe. I had gotten their Cd about a week before the show, but even the CD (which is also amazing, i might add) cant give justice to seeing them live. It quickly became obvious to me that i was no longer there to see Powerman, i was there for Reveille.
After Reveille, Powerman 5000 played. They were really good too, but i just didnt think they had the energy and spirit that Reveille did. Its part of what makes Reveille's sound so unique.
8/7/99- The pit was great, the crowd was going wild, and they sounded fucking amazing. From 1 to 10, it gets no lower than 6.

September 17, 1999 - Birch Hill, Old Bridge Nj
Show with Disgraced, Haste, Speak No Evil, and Stuck Mojo

This show, i was fully prepared for Reveille's awesome music. After sitting through one of the opening bands who werent all that good, i spotted Steve and went to talk to him. He signed my t- shirt, and we talked for a while. Eventually, i brought up the official Reveille webpage, and he didnt seem to pleased with it. So, after telling him how big of a fan i am, i told him that i made a Reveille page. He asked for the address and that made me really happy. Thats been my goal for a while, to get one of them to see my page. He wrote it down and put it in his pocket. After talking a bit more, i went back to my friend and sister and told them what happened.
After sitting through another not-so-good opening band, and a band i enjoyed, called Haste, it was Reveille's turn.
They came out loud, and hard. But for once they werent playing "Butterfly" first. "This show was probably the first in about 2 months that we havent opened with Butterfly." one of them said after the show. Nonetheless, they were even more amazing this time around. I brought a camera with me, and got about 15 pictures of them playing, for the website. I was also given the bass pic used during the show. I didnt even bother staying around for Stuck Mojo. After Reveille played, i went outside to hopefully talk to them before they left. And talk to them, i did. i took more pictures, of each member singularly. They were really nice again, and i talked to them for about 45 minutes or so. After getting them all to sign my t- shirt, and pose for a picture, i gave a couple of them my email address. Hopefully, ill hear from them sometime.
9/17/99- The pit wasnt as good because there was less people. But the show was even better, much better then the previous show. Even though thats hard to imagine. From 1 to 10, it gets 7.

December 4, 1999 - Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC
Show with Godsmack and Jim Rose Circus

Justin called me about 4 hours before the show, and told me there would be tickets and after show passes waiting for me at the door. An opportunity i couldnt pass up. I sat in the balcony, unfortunetly. But the pits were sick, its probably better i was up there so my camera didnt get smashed. Reveille played as a 4 piece, "Something weve never done before" said Drew. Greg was sick and in the hospital, but he made it back for the aftershow. Nonetheless, Reveille kicked just as much ass as always. Godsmack was pretty good too, and Jim Rose was just...well if youve ever seen Jim Rose, youd know what i mean. After the show Justin gave me and my sister a big hug, and we talked to him for at least 2 hours. I also talked to the rest of the guys. And to my surprise, Steve and Carl remembered me. I got pictures with all the guys, and one with the entire band, plus one with Tommy from Godsmack.
12/4/99 - Reveille played as a 4 piece, which was different. But they still kicked ass. The pits were insane. The lack of Greg was noticed, but didnt make a major impact, Reveille is always awesome. From 1 to 10, it gets a 6.

January 13, 2000- Birch Hill, Old Bridge Nj
(Date uncertian)
Show with Headrush, The Bakerton Group, and Clutch

I heard about this show 3 days before it was scheduled to happen, and with such short notice it took a lot of convincing to get a ride and someone to go with. Eventually i took 4 of my friends with me, all of which had never heard of Reveille.
The first and playing was a local group, Headrush. They were probably one of the best local bands ive seen or heard in a long time. The Bakerton Group was decent, all instrumentals, if you like that sort of thing. I took some time to go talk with Justin and Steve during TBG, and introduced them to my friends. Reveille's set was next, and it was amazing as always. I didnt even bother sticking around for Clutch.
Right after Reveille i went outside to wait for the boys to come out. We talked for a while, as they signed some stuff for their fans. After all this, Justin comes over ands asks if id like to go to dinner with them at Denny's. Of course, i accepted, and me, my sister, and her friend mike went to Denny's while my friends drove home, not wanting to go.
At Denny's were a few other Hardcore-Reveille fans, and close personal friends of them, no more than 15 people total. I ended up sitting with Justin, and two guys from his record label. The night went pretty fast after that, and most of the people left. The only people left were me, my sister, her friend, and Reveille. We started saying goodbye, and i got hugs from all the guys. It was the perfect way to end a great concert.
1/13/00-Reveille was awesome, showing no sign of cooling down. From 1 to 10, it gets an 8.

March 18, 2000- Birch Hill, Old Bridge Nj
Show with Send 72, Backhand, Headrush, and Ultraspank
(Ultraspank cancelled)

For a while i wasnt sure if i was actually going to make it to this show, but luckily i found a ride last minute. Because it was last minute, i missed seeing Send 72. Backhand was just taking the stage as we entered. They werent anything especially new...typical NJ Hardcore stuff, not really my thing. It was then that i found out Ultraspank cancelled.
Even though i was there for Reveille, i still like Ultraspank and would have enjoyed seeing them live. Headrush was cool, and i finally ended up dishing out $5 for their EP.
Reveille soon took the stage and played almost all the tracks from "Laced", along with "Playing God" from the Basement Demo, and two new songs, "Killing Me" and "Cateracs". All the new songs were awesome, and so were the old ones.
After the show we went back to their hotel room and watched Tv, and talked for a while. I should have pictures soon.
3/18/00-Seemingly getting better each time, Reveille threw out 2 new songs, and some old favorites, along with ones the hardly ever play. If, by chance, you missed this show, it was a huge mistake. From 1 to 10, it gets 9 1/2.

Seen Reveille live and want to add a review? Simply email me with the date, other bands playing (if any), where you saw it, and a short summary of the show, and your name. Then, next time i update, your review will be added here.
