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Julia. The Forgotten Character

"Recently, I had one of my articles published in a magazine. I was so happy... So happy."
"That's nice..."
"(No good... I'm monopolizing the conversation...) "
"Ah... Please, you talk too... For example... Do you have a dream?"
"I... I want to sing. Not just to play the piano... to sing."
"Now that, I'd love to hear!
"It's no good though... I can't write lyrics..."
"Oh, I see... It's difficult, isn't it?
"But... It's all right now. With your help, I'll be able to write lyrics."
"M--my help?
"Yes...The many faces you showed me...You showed me your pain, and worry... Bitter feelings wrapped up in your smile, your face, your eyes...You gave me that hint. I think you could write wonderful songs.?
"This is incredible... I must be dreaming."
"But it's not a dream, right?" -conversation between Laguna and Julia where she gets the inspiration to write eyes on me.

Julia Is a excelltent piano player who plays at the bar in a hotel in Deiling City. She wants to sing but can not right lyrics. Laguna always dragged along Kiros and Ward to listen to her play but he never had the guts to introduce himself to her. He never realized while his eys were on her, her eyes were on him. Julia finaly goes over to talk to Laguna and invites him up to her room. Sadly he is called away on a mission but inspires Julia to write the lyrics to her song later titled "Eyes On Me", which is about Laguna.
It is later said that she waited for her "true love" to return from the war, but he didn't. Galbadia's General Caraway comforted her, and the two of them eventually married. Julia gives birth to a girl named Rinoa and died in a car accident five years later.

Julia writes and sings the song "Eyes on ME" which makes her famous. These are it's lyrics.

Whenever sang my songs
On the stage, on my own
Whenever said my words
Wishing they would be heard
I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy?
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you?
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh, did you ever know?
That I had mine on you

Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If a frown is shown then
I will know that you're no dreamer

So let me come to you
Close as I want to be
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast
And stay there as I whisper
How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
Did you ever know
That I had mine on you

Darling, so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If a frown is shown then
I will know that you're no dreamer

to main page.

------Julia's Piano theme