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You go left and you see a vent over a room where you hear her voive coming from. You peak through the vent so you can see and listen to her conversation with her men.
"I don't trust the Emperor or any of his "followers". I think we should leave now. It might all be a trap."
"If you are having any doughts I think we should leave Boss. If you say something is wrong it is."
Then a voice says, "You should have left a while ago fools!" Thanatos and Fahna walk in.
Before any one can do anything Thanatos drains the Scorpian army turning them into zommbies.
"Oh n...A....A.....CHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" She sneazes and falls through the vent. The zombies formaly known as the Scorpion Army jump on Tiffany killing her. In a fit of rage Ryan , Tony , and Krissie jump down and start battling with the zommbies. They defeat them with ease. When they turn to Thanatos and Fahna they seem scared.
"Fahna you will finally get what is coming to you." He then disapears leaving Fahna to you. You will never forget the look on her face as she realizes what is coming to her.

You won but at a terrible caust. (you might want to try it over from where Phana asks you to enter the tunnel.)