"Woulden't it be wierd if I just died right now....?" Cloud thought to himself for some strange reson. "Oh well..." Suddenly out of no where Biggs and Wedge appear! "Hey weren't you two guys killed when Shinra was in the process of Crushing Sector 7?" Cloud Asked. "Yeah about that..." Biggs said. Then Wedge looked at him and they suddenly ran away. "Hey Don't Go!" Cloud said running after them. "Ehhh...They shoulden't be so hard to catch up with..." Cloud thought, "After all Wedge is...Pleasently Plump..." Then Cloud was stopped in his tracks by Rufus Shinra! "Hey weren't you Killed when the Diamond Weapon Attacked Midgar!?" Cloud Questioned. "Uhhh...yeah about that..." Rufus said, then he abruptly ran after Biggs and Wedge. "Hey Get Back here!" Cloud yelled chasing after all of them. Then he was stopped in his tracks by Aeris!!!!! "AERIS!!!" Cloud yelled in shock. "Nope Wrong..." She said sweetly Then she turned into....SEPHIROTH!!!!! "Hey didn't I kill you back at the Crater?" Cloud Asked. "Yeah About that..." Then Sephiroth ran away like everyone else! "What the hell is going on here!?" Cloud asked chasing after them then suddenly out of no where the crew from the highwind appeared! "Hey you guys didn't die!" Cloud said. "Uhhh....Yeah about that..." They said and took off. "HEY!" Cloud yelled running after all the people when suddenly Bugenhagen appeared! "Hey! Didn't you tell Red XIII you were going on a journey and not coming back for a long time!?" Cloud asked. "Uhhh Yeah about that....." He said then apruptly ran away. Cloud ran after all the people yet again when suddenly this Joke was getting old and not funny and Cloud died!!!!

Game Over

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