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"We have to kill that thing if we wanna have a better chance at beating Algec!" Cecil yells. "Your right Cecil," Rydia Replies, "It looks like that's the only creature he knows how to summon!!" Everyone draws their weapons and Begins to attack Mirage, The creature, not very used to this happening, dosen't know what to do. The team just keeps hitting it with physical attacks until it falls to the ground. "I'll Finish it!" Kain yells and throws his Lance, but the creature dissapears and his lance goes into the wall. "Huh" everyone replies. Algec reapears on the ground in pain. "That's right!" Rydia replies, "When you hurt a summoned monster, you also hurt the person whom called upon it!" "...That's right..." Cecil and Kain reply at the same time remembering how they'd killed Rydia's Mother. Algec fishes around in his pocket while they are talking and pulls out a small sack. "I knew it was in here somewhere!" he replies, "Cure Potion!" He throws it upon himself. "Hey! Edge yells seeing this, He cured himself!" "That's right! I feel GREEEAAAAT!!!!!" Algec lies, because it was only a cure to the first power, it'd take the fourth power to make him feel "Great". "No more standing around!" Kain yells and jumps into the air, Edge draws his Swords and slices Algec from the front, before Algec can recover he is kicked in the back by Yang. He flies into Edward, "Ahh! Get away!" Edward shreiks and punches him Square in the nose. Algec flies into the center of the room and Kain lands on him. "Uhhhhgggg..." Algec moans. "Grrr..." Algec Says a Spell and A nuke spell is cast upon everyone! Now it's time for me to destroy you all!!! HAHAHAA!!!" WARP!!" Suddenly his body begins to become distorted and he dissapears. "Did he warp away!?" Edge yells. "No We Had Him!" Rydia shouts. "Wait..." Rosa says softly and says the Peep Spell. "He's still here I can sense it..." [This is your author Joe speaking. You must figure this out by "Unconventional" Means. And don't just Guess!!!] Algec is floating the upper right hand corner and is weakened by a sight spell followed by a Lit Spell.

Cast The spells....

Lit followed by Site


Ice Followed by Fire

Virus Followed by Cure

Sight followed by Blink

Summon Bahamut

Sight Followed by Lit

Sight followed by Virus

Lick followed by Bite

MeteoRain followed by Braver

Fire followed by Ice followed by Lit proceeding Blink


I wanna go home...Maybe I'll figure it out later...

I Give Up