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They take out Two Gaurds standing in front of the tower of Bab-il and then try to go in. "Locked..." Cecil says. Then Yang grabs a key off a gaurd and they enter to be attacked by three mean looking monsters!! Cecil ran up and slashed the one in the middle, It raised it's club and bought it down upon his head, Cecil was backed up by Kain who jumped up and landed on it's head. With a grunt one of the other monters cast a quake attack on the entire party, then the third monster attacked with a lightning attack immediatly after. With everyone hurt pretty bad Rydia Called for Asura's Help. Asura Appeared and healed up the team, then Edge yelled, "You guys'll be sorry you did that!!" and drew his two Swords and attacked. Then Yang attacked with his Poison Claw and poisined the same one Edge had just attacked, but the "leader" monster healed and cured him. "...we've gotta keep that one out of the action...." Cecil though, "I know! Edward, Use your harp to put it asleep!" "OK Cecil." Edward ran up and strummed his Dreamer Harp, putting it asleep, Then Rydia pulled out her whip and nailed one of the other monsters, Rosa shot an arrow into it, and Cecil finished it off. Then they all destroyed the sleeping monster, and finished off the remaining monster. "Now where to?"...

