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Rand and Bud walk to Mei Mei the fortune teller, who is located in the market place. Here they bump into there old friend Niccolo the travaling merchant.
"HEY RAND! What brings you here?"
"We are on an investigation. Have you seen anything odd?"
"Only that jumi Elazul. He is so serious, he creeps me out."
"Ok thanks Niccolo. We are going to see Mei Mei talk to you later."
They walk over to Mei Mei, who in order to tell your furture, she must spin (herself included)in a hudge basket of fruit and what ever fruit lands in front of her she will read what it says.
"Want your fortune told?"
"10 Lucre. I'm saving for my retirement, so no less!
She starts to spin then the basket and fruit begin to spin. Rand gets dizzy trying to watch her.
"Vitamins, carotins, potassium, fiber, polyfenel!!!"
The basket stops and she pickes up a pineapple. says...The one you seek is with an angel that spits water. What is that supposed to mean!"
OK so we should...

...go to the mana angel fountain."
...look in the church."
...ask Miss Yuka the inn keeper."
...ask the Pelican."
...look in the Pub
...go ask Mark or Rachel.