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"It is Capella."
"I was playing music for a jewel thief? How could you do it Capella I mean Sandra." He rolls out of the room.
"Why did you have to do that? I'm not Sandra. Diddle come back. How can I juggle without your music? I am not Sandra!" Capella chases after him.
"This is bad. I will go try to get them back."
"I'll go with you. Come on Pearl, you will be safer with Rand and me."
"Ok Elazul."
They all leave the inn in search of Diddle and Capella. They look all over Domina but are unsuccesful.
"Wait! We for got the western End." When they reach the western end they see Capella talking to Diddle. "Something is wrong Rand."
"Rand WATCH OUT!!"
But it is to late. Before he could see who it was he got clonked on the head and was knocked out.