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Alex's Page of Complete Fucking Happiness!

Can't We All Be Happy Like Comrade Fidel?

Gentlemen, hide the dog and put out your daughters, Alex is hittin' the internet!

* Winamp Playlist: See What I Listen To *DOESNT WORK ALEX BROKE IT*

* Ugly Page of Ugly Pictures of Ugly Alex

* A Link to A Page of Links to Other Sites with More Links

Relevent shit:


AIM: AntiGravityKitty.
It's an inside joke, make fun of it and il'll shoot you. Not really. Killin' Ain't Kool!

Musical "talent": Ukulele (YES I PLAY UKULELE, IT ROCKS), bass guitar, piano/keyboard, little bit of tracking.
Hobbies: Sleeping, playing the above, biking, programming, computer shiznat, collecting (ahem) pr0n.
Dating: HAH!
Local: Lawrenceville, New Jersey (by the prep school)