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North Jersey Frisbee

Hola, welcome to the official North Jersey Frisbee website. There's not much to say except that frisbee rules and we like to play it. Just a bunch of lonely, dateless losers if you ask me. Send questions or comments to Jimmy.

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Wayne vs. Wanaque -  The Rain Game

Wayne victorious in one of the best games we've seen in a while. You heard all the talk, you've seen what was on the line, but when it was time to walk the walk, we see who has the guts and determination, and who has, well, Moran.

The time was set 2 pm, the conditions were far from perfect.  The temperature dropped to 35 degrees, the rain came down harder than an erection, and the mud was abundant.  Wayne called up Wanaque to tell them we weren't backing down and to meet at our field around 2:30ish.  After an extended wait and a brief firework show by LJ, Wanaque and their freshly manicured players finally showed up at 3:15.  Wayne was already wet, muddy, freezing, and their thoughts already off the high staked game.  One would think Wayne would have just taken victory, but we still took the challenge. 

The game started off a little slow, with Wanaque taking the early lead.  Even though Wayne's own fans were rooting against them and even subtracting points from their own team, Wayne's hopes were always set on victory.  In a game to 7, the team hitting 6 first has a major advantage.  Well unfortunately for Wayne, Wanaque hit the sacred 6, with Wayne on having a wimpy 4.  Wayne had a little miscue and Wanaque had their first chance at glory.  BJ picked up the frisbee and threw a short pass to Moran; Moran already seeing two of his players wide open in the end zone, forgot that he still hadn't caught the frisbee.  The frisbee dinked off his manly chest, through his womanish fingers and fell to the ground.  Territo picked up the frisbee and lofted it to Valentine to cut the lead to one.  This is the turning point of the war.  Wanaque couldn't stop yelling at Moran for blowing it and forgot all they had to do was score on their next possession.  BJ misfired once again to give Wayne another chance.  I think this is where Valentine fired it to Martello in the back of the end zone to tie the game.  Now 7-7, Wayne's 'bee...  The intensity was felt throughout the field, the game was close to over and the true champion and chump would emerge soon.  About a hour after the first throw off, everyone was soaked in rain/mud and the pace of the game couldn't be quick, with the rain coming down harder than before.  Wayne got the throw off - from Martello to Tahan to Valentine to Territo.  Territo threw a quick pass to Mcclane in the end zone, unfortunately for Wayne, Mcclane blew it and dropped it.  Now hopes down, Mcclane looking to be the scapegoat if Wayne lost, but something from down under made Mcclane glide through the air, ass first into BJ's abdomen.  BJ dropped the pass and Corey picked up the frisbee in their end zone and practically handed it to Tahan (?) to make it 8-7.  Wanaque still bewildered on how Wayne was finally ahead in the game didn't know what to do. I think BJ threw another pass into the ground to give Wayne the opportunity at those sexy pictures of Moran.  I can't remember who threw the final pass, someone fill me in, but the frisbee looked as it was going in slow mo into Valentine who was closely covered by Chuck.  I thought the collision was going to be fatal.  As the frisbee disappeared between the two, Chuck made a miraculous dive and slid a good five feet.  The only problem was, Valentine, equipt with women's garden gloves, had the frisbee! 

Wanaque fucking blew it.  They came late, they had the lead late - but in the end, the true champions came through.  So Wayne (Martello, Mcclane (subbed for Boniface early in the game), Tahan, Territo, and Valentine) embarrassed the big-headed Wanaque (BJ, Moran, Chuck, Brad, and Bauer (sp?))  Although Wayne was heavily favored and always will be - Wanaque had the shot of pulling off a big upset on Wayne's home field, but blew is drastically.  Good game to both sides - as it was probably one of the best games of history between the two teams.