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When this site is completed in the not too distant future it will contain interesting info on every episode. It will also have many pictures. The trading post is already up and running.

In the history of television there has never been a show so funny, clever, gizmonic, energetic, zainy, creative, and perfect as MST3K.

I hold a deep respect and love for the makers and crew of this one of a kind creation given the wonderful name of Mystery Science Theater 3000. In 1991 at the age of 13, I discovered a source of happiness with Joel, Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, Gypsy and the Mad's, which I was deprived of in my own family situation. Through the years my life changed drastically. I was abducted by The Evil Overlord Zamtron. For five terrible years I was tortured with no cable and no MST3K. All that was left for me were the memories of Joel's songs and Crow's and Tom's robot charm.

Now I am back from my ordeal. I am now on a quest to obtain every episode and piece of memorabilia related to the show which I have missed half a decade of.

If you are like me, and I know I am, you can understand and relate to my suffering.

MST3K Quote of the Week:"Jabba really let himself go."

MST3K Episode Guide-Detailed info on every episode

MST3K Trading Post

MST3K Quotes-Under Construction

MST3K Fun & Games

MST3K Survey

What d'ya think sirs?

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Mystery Science Theater 3000, it's characters and situations are a copyright of Best Brains, Inc. This web page is not meant to infringe on any copyrights held by, Best Brains, Inc., Comedy Central, The Sci-Fi Channel or it's employees. The information herein is my personal interpretation of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The information contained on this page is meant to be enjoyed by MSTies and is not in any way meant for profit of any kind. Keep the Faith.
Keep Circulating the Tapes.


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