BK Championship


Previously this website had lists of it's top employees and currently showcases the great Snapple Award and the Freak of the Week. None of these honors put employees one on one. The BK CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES will do just that. It'll be employee versus employee, friend versus friend, enemy versus enemy, parent against child in an all out war to be called a BK CHAMPION. Disappointingly, employees will not be literally fighting. That would be illegal. Instead the opponents will be going head to head in a battle of fast food skills and supremacy. You must out work your opponent in that given week. Myself, the owner of this site and another secret judge will decide who has earned the win for the match. Belts will be awarded to the champions. Challenges can be made and as the Commissioner I will make the match. Also, challenges for special matches like tag team matches, fastest wrapper matches and any match you can think of will be granted. So send me some or catch me at the store and let me know.

The Belts

The Whopper Weight Championship-- This is the champion of the kitchen area only

The Fry Weight Championship-- This is the champion of the front counter and drive thru area only

The Undisputed Heavyweight Championship-- This is for the best overall employee

History of the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship

Previous Champions

Mike O'Brien-----first champion, self proclaimed fastest food maker ever

Brian Stewart---the goofiest champion, stripped of the title and banned from BK

Jen Hines----first female champion, retired from HBK as the champ

Jen Menges--- Arguably one of the best overall and dependable employees

Gary Hogan---known as the milk drinker and Mr. Saturday night, self proclaimed greatest closer and all around good guy

Anthony Tanski----great all around employee, known for specialty skills and wrapping speed, fooled opponents by looking sloppy and then blowing them away

Ryan Delacruz----Arguably the most disliked champ, skills could not be denied but place in history has been marred due to eventual dismissal from the company after his tile had been passed on

Patrick Mcglynn---The most recent champion, currently on leave from the HBK to pursue other interests, an innovator of such phrases as "kazatal"

First I would like to say that I have still been recieving complaints about adding Christine Joyce to the Hall of Champions. So therefore I will ask everyone to vote. Enail me or Anthony and let us know if she should be in. Even if you have never heard of her before email me and let me know what you think. Also, if you want to challenge someone to a match email me and let me know. I have a link at the bottom of the page so that you can email me.

Erica Wallace has defeated Kevin Jeffcoat to become the Fry Weight Champion
This was a close match but Erica came out on top. Kevin has been to busy playing rock paper scissors and being loud to win this match. But now the first challenge has been issued. Melissa Murillo has challenged Erica to a match. This match will be for the title. So good luck to both of you.

Night Time Louie has defeated Dave "9" Fuller to become the Whopper Weight Champion
This match was decided by the fact that Dave spent to much time talking about his new girlie and not enough time watching his levels. Also Louie did an excellent job closing and the other managers have nothing but good things to say about him. Congrats Louie.

Kevin Sherman has defeated Eric Watschinger and Chris Smith to become the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion
First off let me say that this match was close. Chris Smith was disqualified for telling a manager to tuck his shirt in. Thats terrible. Kevin and Eric both did smashing jobs this week. Kevin came out a little ahead.

This weeks matches

Melissa Murillo Vs Erica Wallace for the Fry Weight Championship

Burnout Ted vs Night Time Louie for the Whopper Weight Championship

Eric Watschinger vs Chris Smith to become the #1 contender for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship

Mike Manzella Vs Kevin Sherman for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship

Disclaimer: this portion of the website is not sponsored by Hazlet Burger King, Burger King Corporation, Georgetown Group LLC, or any other manager of the Hazlet Burger King. Any employee that initiates or takes part in any assault or physical attack on another employee or employees is not, has not and will never be sponsored by the author or authors of this site. The intention of this section is to have employees test their fast food skills and not actually fight. Any physical, mental or any other form of attacks or assaults brought on by anyone listed in the BK Championship Series did so of their own free will and have not been told, authorized or advised to do so by the authors of this site. Basically, just use some common sense. The authors can not and will not be held responsible for any of the above harmful acts mentioned in the above statement. If you do not want to be apart of the BK CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES let me know and I will take you off the site.

Gary Hogan.
