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A complete walkthrough for Final Fantasy III!

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All the cheats and secrets unleashed in FFIII!

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Final Fantasy III
by Mike D

Here are some cheats I encountered for Final Fantasy III. There isn't many, but this time I have included Game Shark codes!

-Mike D.

1.D15C-78E5:Start Terra with man-eater equipped

2.F65C-78E5:Start Terra with Excalibur equipped

3.FC5C-78E5:Start Terra with Illumina equipped

4.FA5C-78E5:Start Terra with Atma Weapon equipped

5.435C-78E5:Start Terra with Tempest equipped

6.D35C-78E5:Start Terra with Blizzard equipped

7.F75C-78E5:Start Terra with Enhancer equipped

8.9A58-7675:Start Terra with Mithril sheild equipped

9.9258-7675:Start Terra with Gold Sheild equipped

10.1F58-7675:Start Terra with Ice sheild equipped

11.1D58-7675:Start Terra with Fire sheild equipped

12.1C58-7655:Start Terra with Hairband equipped

13.1B58-7655:Start Terra with Leather hat equipped

14.5C58-7655:Start Terra with Circlet equipped

15.5B58-7655:Start Terra with Mystery veil equipped

16.5658-7655:Start Terra with Red cap equipped

17.6658-7685:Start Terra with Silk robe equipped

18.6B58-7685:Start Terra with Mithrill vest equipped

19.6858-7685:Start Terra with White dress equipped

20.BC58-7685:Start Terra with Genji armor equipped

21.B058-7685:Start Terra with Force armor equipped

22.108C-EF03:All items in stores are free

23.DDA4-8767:Party always has sprint shoes

24.ED30-E944:A tonic gives 240HP

25.3CB8-5DAE:Most items can be used infinitely(not in battle mode)

26.AA94-E7D8:This will make your enemy give you items, Weapons, Armor constantly

27.AA90-74DD:Able to walk through walls but only in certain directions

28.AA94EF08:Same as 26. but it's a t random

29.DC9C-E4D8:Max out on GP

30.AA9D-54D8:Battle sequence is weird

31.AA9B-E768:All relics equipped the game may freeze(Dont save when you return the stats are messed up)

32.AA23-54D8:All members in the party are at level 99 after one battle

33.0F9F-5708:Erases all saved games

34.AA9D-54D8:Unprdictable battles

35.AA94-E4D8:Everyone in the party has a Paladin sheild equipped on them

36.Lowers Speed, Vigor, Stamina, and Magic Power for all members

37.AADC-EF08:Always sprint ion dungeons and do not encounter random enemys

38.AADC-EDA8:Never enconter random enemys

39.AAD8-EF08:All members are fltoting, Stopped, and reflective in battles

40.AAED-EDA8:Increase all members' Max HP and MP