Roxanne's Artwork

Here is the Artwork gallery from Roxanne, her artwork comes from alot of different fanfic's, well all Cloud and Tifa anyways. She has a very good talent I like her work lots^^ Be sure to check out her really great site. The link to it is on Cloud and Tifa's Shrine under links^~^

Thumbnails will be put up soon for these!

Roxanne's Cloud and Tifa Artwork

Meant for eachother
Tifa trying to keep Cloud with AVALANCHE
That night before going to the Northern Crater
Cloud's Death:*(
Under the Moon
A Night out(this IS cute^^)
Southern Midgar Gentility
Tifa looking elegant
Cloud and Tifa on a Balcony
Tifa's Death::sniff::

Go back to Cloud and Tifa's Shrine