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It has taken me a long time to be able to put this page together.
Not for lack of wanting to, or lack of available material, but more for
a hole in my soul. I have been glued to the news like most of us have.
I have sat down in front of my computer innumerable times to put
my thoughts and feelings down, only to get up and leave the computer.
My thoughts and my feelings are so jumbled. I am having a very hard time sorting them out. There is an overwhelming sadness for the lives lost and the permanent change in American life as we have thus far enjoyed it. But there is also a full and wonderful feeling toward my fellow Americans and all of the wonderful peoples of the world that have come to our aide and support! 

I look to God for answers, though I know there are no answers for me in this life. But my faith in God is unshakeable. I know He is in control and that He sees the all of eternity. I know that not a sparrow falls without God being aware and in control. And I know without a doubt that America as a whole needs to turn back to God, in the way our forefathers came to this land and forged our constitution under God. 

All that being said, I was sent a wonderful poem that expresses my sadness and my hope in the mix that I could not express. The author of the poem was gracious enough to give me permission to use it here. After you have read it, please email the author and tell him your thoughts. And please do not remove the poem without the authors express permission. What a gift this man has!


Still the Eagle Soars

Our Darkest hour came on a sun filled Tuesday morn
Worst fears and nightmares suddenly, violently born
From the sky she viewed what she was never meant to see
The Great Eagle bore witness to the thing that should not be

Her heart stood still as the great towers did surely fall
Only to beat again as she heard a mighty call
They came in great numbers, swiftly and brave
To find the fallen many, to see who they could save

Through the smoke and fire, she spread her wings to shield
Those who risk it all, the hearts that will not yield
The task at hand, too grim, too much, too soon
To find those trapped in a dark cold tomb

Now she turns toward the open sky
From her beak comes the battle cry
To seek the evil out from high above
To bring those down who dare hunt the Dove

As her sister stands for Peace, She now stands for war
A taste for vengeance as she’s never felt before
Yet she shrieks a warning to those who act in haste
Do not punish those simply for their race

She reminds us now not let anger blind us, to be consumed by our rage 
Not to attack the innocent or be doomed to be evil's slave
We must remember the wisdom of Eagle’s sister Dove
We are a Nation of Freedom, as well as Peace and Love

Still the Eagle Soars with the Dove right by her side
Each carries the burden to keep Freedom alive
Those who target the Dove, must now all beware
The Eagle has been awakened, and her Talons brought to bare

Dedicated to  those who lost their lives, their loved ones, the rescuers and our country. God Bless the United States of America.

-Scott Patrick Beagin, Sr.  September 17, 2001



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