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~*~ The scene fades in but it's almost as if it didn't fade in at all. The skyline is very dark and the clouds block out the moon. Candyman is sitting a top a building in downtown New York City, the view overlooks Ground Zero. Candyman just keeps staring down at it never taking his eyes off of it. ~*~

~*~ The camera moves in closer and Candyman pulls it real close to his face. ~*~

Candyman :: The say if you're quiet enough you can still hear the whispers of those that were buried beneath for so long. Their desperate cries to end the torment and let the come out to live.

~*~ Candyman pushes the camera away from his face and switches his position on the ledge to face the camera. He smiles for some unknown reason. ~*~

Candyman ::  Can you hear it? Can you hear those cries? It's the and most terrible thing I have ever heard, but at the same time... I enjoy it. The pain and suffering that those people went through just to come to the ultimate conclusion of death. The best thing that could have happened to wash away their pains and sorrows. 

Candyman :: Heatwave, you want to compare buildings. Do you notice the ones that climb to the top happen to fall down? Because although you may be the biggest in the area, there will always be people that want you to come down. Right now I have taken the place of World Trade Center. Someday you're right, I will come down, but when I do thousands upon thousands will fall with me. The collapse of the WTC building strengthed America, when I collapse, the whole organization will not be able to rise up and seek the support they need. Everything will crash with it. But you seem to tell me that you have risen above me, your building just keeps on growing. Is it time to knock a few floors off? The time will come when you have become a skyscraper that I put you back down in your place. A lowly old broken down building that nobody wants anymore. Some day I will come crashing down, I've already renovated the bottom floors of this building, renovations that almost made the whole building crumble to the ground, but I'm back and just as strong in mind than ever.  

Candyman :: Enough of the analogy talk, who the hell do you actually think you are. Some low life coming into the CWF bringing in some outside help just because you know you can't touch this. You know you have nothing on me and you think that you can destroy a career that has been building for years. Even my name shakes the rafters inside people's heads. Go try and find Virus and Carter, they went running scared from me. They couldn't handle me and the Crisis together. We're too dominant a force. Go ahead and get every man that you have to be holding a title, it's possible, after all I have the World, Jon has the Internet, and Josh will once again hold the Hardcore, when he's ready to anyway. That will leave the tag and the National belt for you guys. Have fun with your respective divisions because you will not touch ours. I make the perfect champion and I succeed well at my job. I was born for this, just as you were born to be my b****. 

Candyman :: The pain you will feel will equal nothing you have ever blah blah blah... Do you know that every opponent I have ever gone against has told me the exact same thing. You are ridiculous. Can't you see that just makes you another number, it doesn't make you stand out at all. You are just going to become another b**** added to my W list. There is nothing you can do to get out of it now, there is no where for you to run, hell, I will come find you in the darkness. But for now, I think you should worry about proving yourself to the rest of the federation and leave me till the Pay Per View. I wouldn't be so concentrated on something that is so far away, as champion I can deal my fair blows at you and still have time to rest and recover from everything I blast at you. You are getting blasted from more than one person and so if I was you, I would let me just roll of your back now. Be a duck. Concentrate on making something of yourself.

Candyman :: And now that I've taken care of Heatwave, my attention is going to drift and focus on a thorn in the CWF's side. Not exactly my side because what she is and does I care very little for. I even wonder why this woman didn't throw herself inside the falling building. I know loser was the last thing I should have called you, something around the lines of heartless b**** would have fit just a little bit better. And Missy, Anger will get you nowhere in life. You have to have reason and all that other nonsense just to get through day to day living. With only anger on your side, you'll be insane and locked away much sooner than is anticipated. You think you have problems until you look at the rest of society. They are just like you, melodramatic and everything nice. Have fun with Stone.

~*~ The scene fades out as Candyman jumps off the side of the building, we can then see his head rise above the ledge and he walks away. (For those of you too dumb to comprehend what just happened, he jumped on a ledge) The scene goes black. ~*~

In loving memory of Saoirse 1965 - 2001
Crisis of Mankind® 2002

Father :: Candyman
Followers :: Sanitarium
Pledges :: Jonathon Stone