Playtime With WhiteBread
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Well.....Welcome to my homepage. I bet your lazy ass has traveled far to get here..wheither or not through guestbooks, a friend, hell I don't know how you go here, but take a look around and tell me what you think...have a seat. I am kinda working on this whole thing now trying to get everything in its place and get some new stuff up there for you people and update the old stuff for everyone too. I haven't worked on my page in a LONG ass time, I am trying to work on it more and more. I want everyone to know that I am sorry that some of the band things have pictures up but the links don't work. I'm working it don't worry. Ok?? Get off my back! Jesus Christ I'll fix it now then.. Whenever I have the free time.When this is all up and in order I'll make it easier for people that have no clue about this page to get here....listen my guestbook isn't there just to sit and look THE DAMN THING!! You yea you the one looking at my guestbook going "duh!" SIGN IT OR ELSE! I haven't had a new person sign it in like 78 years. I know a lot of people just come here and god knows what you do but I see the page counter go up and up but yet I still see the same amount of people that signed in the guestbook...I don't ask for much...Just since you are here sign it. Have fun and don't hurt yourself on this page.

Bands that are displayed

The Shit


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