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Horror Tour

SAVE Unknown DISCS 1
GENRE Graphic Adventure SYSTEM Sega Saturn

The following is more of my impressions/an overview of the game rather than a review. I don't feel that I've played enough to justify a review.

Horror Tour is a graphic adventure in the vain of classics such as Shadow Gate, Deja Vu and Uninvited. However, instead of using sprite backgrounds like the classics, Horror Tour is done with CG. I prefer sprites but the CG gets the job done and also allows for animation. Also, unlike the aforementioned classics you no longer have as many options. Horror Tour is a LOT lesss complex. You can only move, use your candle and use your hand cursor. You cannot "speak, hit, open, use" or any of the other neat little actions you could perform in previous games of this genre. You can still open doors and such but rather than click open and then click what you want to open you simply click on the door or whatever and it opens. In some ways this is better(takes less time to perform an action), but it loses a bit of charm. Also, for those interested, I am pretty sure this game has support for the mouse controller. My Saturn mouse is packed up so I can't test it but I would assume it would make the control easier.

As mentioned above, the inclusion of Cg graphics allows for animation. This actually adds a lot to the game. Think for a second, which would be "scarier" a still image of a wolf appearing automatically or a CG animation of a wolf running out of the dark forest at you? Some things just wouldn't be the same as a still frame image, such as the ghostly dance sequence(see pic....or at least try to see it). Also, yes I know you can have animation with sprite graphics, I am simply referring to the classics mentioned above. In all honesty I would prefer sprite animation, but the CG is fine. Yes I realize these two paragraphs are full of contradictions, so there is no need to point it out to me. ;-)

So what is the point of the game? To tell the truth, I have no clue. I can't speak Japanese so the story is over my head. However, I can give you the gist of what is going on. You go to this large castle and strange things happen. Naturally, you have to do a bunch of wacky things just for the sake of doing them. Maybe get scared here and there(very doubtful). It's your basic graphic adventure, it may get different later in the game but I'm willing to bet it follows the same path.

Now, onto the language barrier. It's there, but is easy to overcome. See, this is where the lack of complexity helps. Not much Japanese text at all. There are problems here and there where you have to read a book(which is in Japanese) or talk to someone and they let you know what to do. It's all a bunch of trial and error if you can't speak/read Japanese. Is it worth it? Well, depends who you ask. If you like this type of game and think you can deal with some trial and error, then why not? If you don't like this genre, stay away from this game, it is bound to bore you to tears.

Well, I know I don't have much for content here, but 'tis better than nothing. If I ever get around to beating this game you can expect a full review. Until then, enjoy the low quality screen shots....

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©2001 Ed Finnegan

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