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Tami's Home Page

Hi, My name is Tami. I guess you are either visiting my page at random or I sent you here. Well you are here all the same and I just want to start off by saying I am working on my blog and entering information there regularly. I am hoping that results in my regularly changing this site. So far- not so good. More of delete embarassing content that i cannot believe still exists. Tell me what you think of it and what else I should put on here.

Living in NYC now. Amazed how happy i am in this big city. If you know me, you know how happy i am not working 24 hrs in a row. How can you do quality work like that? I still wonder. I love to experience what the city has to offer: really good off Broadway shows, going to the MET but even liking the MoMA because it is more convenient, or drawing in the park. My commute is a perfect opportunity for me to read, and i love it. I now read about a book a week, and i like living in brooklyn.

I am one of the biggest flyers fans. I have loved the Philadelphia Flyers since I was a little kid but this year is just painful.

I love this Free Silver Jewelery Website- it is not fake. You pay $5.99 for shipping of a piece of real silver jewlery. The designs are very nice, and it is totally worth the money. Warning- it is a little addictive!! Let's not talk about how many things i have bought there... but really for $5.99, not that bad.

Favorite Movie of all time: Shawshank Redemption- oh and I feel bad for anyone who has not seen it yet, i hope you will soon. I love it so much that not only do i have it on VHS, but also on DVD! Do you have the extra disc with bonus stuff?

Here are some movies that i have been thinking about seeing. And I am working on my favorite movies list, but it is taking me time.

Why am I making a Web Page?

Who are my favorite Bands?

This is my first table, which Shana taught me (whom i miss very much- she wrote me, and the email got deleted before i could save the email address. Write again!!):

Barenaked Ladies Cowboy Mouth

So Far My Favorite Web Sites

The Official Flyers Web Page
The Official Cowboy Mouth Home Page
The Shawshank Redemption Home Page
My Friend Brianne's Web Page
My Friend Rachel's Web Page
My Friend Shana's Web Page
My Friend Kathy's Web Page
My Friend Jamie's Web Page

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