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The following table is a quick and dirty way to find your one rep max in any one of the three powerlifts. I have found it to be accurate to + - five pounds. To find your one rep max in a particular lift, multiply the constant that corresponds with the number of repetitions of your best set, by the weight of your best set.

Example: 300 lbs. for five repitions on the bench 300 x 1.15 = 345 lbs. (projected 1 rep max.)

Repetitions Squat Benchpress Deadlift
1 1.0 1.0 1.0
2 1.0475 1.035 1.065
3 1.13 1.08 1.13
4 1.1575 1.115 1.147
5 1.2 1.15 1.164
6 1.242 1.18 1.181
7 1.284 1.22 1.198
8 1.326 1.255 1.232
9 1.368 1.29 1.232
10 1.41 1.325 1.24

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