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Everything I needed to know in life I learned From Gundam W

This is a little list I devised,it was inspired by "Everything I needed to know in life I learned from Slayers"...if you have an idea,E-mail it to me at with the subject "life".Or catch me on Yahoo Pager .My Screen name is Nytewolf_metallium.This is the only one of its kind that I know of,so give me some credit people ^_^ Onward!And before you observant people say anything,yes,I did change my Screen Name and am now known as Nytewolf ^-^.


To make it easier on all of us,the new address URL for this page is,below is a handly little banner for you to link to this page ^-^.Don't worry,I'll put up ones with the other pilots soon enough!

Everything I needed to know in life I learned from Gundam W

-the quietest ones make the flashiest entrances
-if a guy calls himself "Shinigami",try not to get him pissed
-having forty arabian guys in mobile suits follow you around is not such a bad idea
-glasses are the perfect way to show off a split personality
-having a cute,high-pitched Japanese voice doesn't necessarily make you cute.Especially if you have genetically altered eyebrows
-Blondes have all the fun.Especially when they're temporarily insane.
-it helps your case if you apologize before you kill the enemy
-when a guy says he is going to kill you,it doesn't always mean he will
-Duke Dermail was a prick
-mad scientists are the most hardy people on earth.In particular ones that use a letter of the alphabet in thier names.
-when there's a gundam,it's a sure sign all hell's gonna break loose.
-If you end up blowing up a couple of colonies,apologize.It's a sure-fire way to get away with it.
-People will tend to forget your past if you make use of your better personality
-If you have no name,take the name of some dead guy
-7 year old wanna-be dictators are scarier than the real thing
-the gundams.chicks dig the gundams.
-not all wielders of a celrical collar are priests
-"Omae O korsu"never works when you want a girl to leave you alone
-Hell hath no fury like an insane arabian boy
-Tanks tops and Spandex shorts are appropriate even in Anarctica
-A guy who wears a funky mask is deffinetly hiding something
-if you want to have a successful militaristic orginization,name all vehicles after signs in the zodiac
-one can be hyper even if one has not consumed caffine in the past month
-Justice rants usually elicit more laughs than not
-Naming you vehicle after your dead wife is ok
-having a lot of hair covering one eye must give one sight problems at some point
-always have two names on hand,a real one and a fake one
-when in doubt,self-destruct
-It IS okay to stand next to the man you love even if he's doing something you don't believe in.(Sascha Illyvich)
-never underestimate the destructive power of five old guys
-it's ok to be a long as you have a nice persona to back it up

--Note:These four were mistakenly credited to Lina Lau....the problem has been rectified,but will the real author of these please stand up?--

-Omae O korosu is the best pick up line that can be used(????)
-A tight ponytail, that may be the cause of loss of blood to the brain, might not affect a person's judgement.(??)
-then again...(???)
-what makes a girl drool is a gundam pilot that has great clothes (or lack of clothes whatsoever...)(???)

----New Enteries as of 06/12/01 (yes,nearly a year without updates ^^;;...I've been busy ok?)------

-Talking to robots doesn't make you insane.(
- Good relation ships start out with trying to kill each other. (
-Thermal energy weapons CAN work underwater.(
-The nickname "God of Death" not only scares enemies away, but chicks dig it.(Vincent Maxwell MacLeod)
-Having a number for a name is very popular.(Mihoshi-chan)
-Out of five murderers, the perky one's the worse (Nutzo Claire Voyant)
- What turns women on is a cute gun whipping out a gun on them from THAT certain place(Nutzo Claire Voyant)
-Unless you are Heero Yuy you're self destruct button will not work.(Jmi)
-We are not paid to duck.(Jmi)
-You must be more graceful.. about everything.(Jmi)

Questions,comments,flames?Send em toNytewolf^_^.

While you're here,come on and patronize me!Visit::Hyperactive Dust Bunnies::!!

The almighty counterHave been here since this little list of insanity started 07/20/00

Disclaimer-Gundam W is copyrighted to Sunrise,sotsu agency,and TV asahi.This means it doesn't belong to me in any way.This is solely a fan site,so PLEASE don't sue me.....because the only thing of significant value which I have is my Sandrock 1/144 model.....^^;;;