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Back after a brief hiatus, the Savage Review is proud to bring you the review of this month's issue of the Savage Dragon.

Savage Dragon #66


Written by: Erik Larsen

Artist: Erik Larsen

Inked by: Erik Larsen

Letterer: Chris Eliopolous



   Savage Dragon #66 starts off fairly normal. Dragon and his daughter Angel go over to eat dinner at Will and Rita's house. Rita's newborn twins are about four months old, and Angel checks them out. Dragon and Will have a momentary discussion about the fact that Dragon was inside of Will when it was first learned that they Rita was pregnant. But they quickly end the discussion when Angel gets into trouble. She remarks that one of them is "so damned ugly," and Rita starts to cry. But, after Dragon reassures her, they all go to eat some dinner. It then cuts to Dragon and Angel having a discussion about Angel's rudeness, while driving home. Apparently, Angel also said that the healthy food that Rita served "tasted like barf." Dragon explains to Angel that sometimes you need not say what you are thinking. Well, Angel admits that she's thinking how cool it would be if she had super powers. The two drive to their house... Then it appears to be the next day or week, and Mighty Man flies to Dragon's house. Mighty Man then turns into Nurse Ann Stevens (Mighty Man is actually a Nurse by the name of Ann Stevens. So Ann can change into a male superhero... Erik Larsen is funny, hee hee). Ann apologizes for attacking Dragon (see last issue) and for not being at the wedding. She feels that she could have saved Smasher's life. Ann hints that she wants to "get it on" with Dragon, but when she sees Alex, she turns into Mighty Man and flies off... About a week later Dragon, Alex, and Angel are with Frank and Mildred Darling in a park. Alex and Mildred are eating and discussing Alex and Dragon's relationship. Alex tells Mildred that she is just someone Dragon sees once in a while. But Mildred reminds Alex that some people are "Friends one day, Lovers the next." Suddenly, the police radio alerts all units that a robbery is happening at a bank, and the suspect is armed with a shrinking gun! Dragon hurries over to the bank, only to be shrinked down to the size of a penny! Dragon still manages to beat the crap out of the guy that shrank him, after punching him in the nads, and in the face, repeatedly. Dragon finds only one other survivor. A worker at the bank tells him that everybody was shrunken down and killed, except for her, because she managed to hide. Dragon reassures her by telling her that the process can be reversed. And then, all the bad guys that he shrank down to size long ago show up! A fight breaks out, with Dragon managing to hide on the top of a door. But, Dragon is knocked off with the lady in his arms, and she hits her head on a trashcan. She is apparently knocked out (or dead), but we never find out, because Dragon is attacked and the fight moves outside. The fight ends when Dragon and another shrunken bad guy fall down the sewer, and end up fighting in there. The bad guy falls in the water (green sewer water to be exact), but Dragon manages to climb onto a ledge. He tries to rest, and the story ends with a couple of rats eyeing him.

   Well Dragheads, it's been a while, but the newest issue of Savage Dragon, #66, is finally being reviewed. Let's start out with the obvious, Erik Larsen is a very busy man. He wrote Hulk #8 (pretty good), and he's currently writing Wolverine (and you KNOW it's gotta be hard to do that, considering the fact that he is bringing back the adumantium soon, and he needs to make it smart and interesting). And who knows what else he's working on. My point, is that he may have no time to put in that extra "oomph" that he has. The story was pretty good. Dragon is tiny, and obviously this will affect Angel, and everybody that is friends with Dragon. It's pretty damn cool that Erik takes time to show other people and their feelings, and not just Dragon. It's safe to assume that he'll be showing what is happening to Angel, after having lost her mother and her father. And what of the lady in the bank? If she's dead, will Dragon be blamed? And the obvious hanging plot is... just how the hell is Dragon going to get out of this? Rest assured, Erik will get him out of the situation in a funny way. The art was so/so not as good as last issue, but you can't bat 1.000 all the time right? And before I go, lemme just point out that I am in the back of the book again, look for Chris Nadler.

Summary and Review by: Ami Nadler

Read past issues of the Savage Review!

Savage Dragon #65
Savage Dragon #64
Savage Dragon #63

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