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The Ceremony

The ceremony was everything we wanted it to be. It was full of romance, symbolism and poetry. Darla and I researched Renaissance weddings and created the ceremony that was most meaningful to us. We included a candlelighting ceremony, a winecup ceremony and our own vows, along with chosen readings read by friends and family members. It was truly special.

The Candlelighting Ceremony

Candles are symbols of warmth, of hope and of life itself. As our parents entered the ceremony, they lit candles representing themselves. From those candles, Darla and I lit our own individual candles, symbolizing our birth and growth as two separate people. As you see in this picture, we lit a third candle together symbolizing our new relationship. "We shall this day light such a candle as we trust will never be put out."

The Exchanging of the Vows

"Darla, you have loved me for all that I am. Your support and compassion have taught me about trust, honesty and love; your maturity has brought me insight and patience; and your friendship has helped me to grow. I promise to understand and respect all that you have lived, knowing that your past has made you the person I love and admire today. I promise to walk hand in hand with you on our journies, sharing in yours and allowing you to share in mine. Darla, I honor you as my wife, just as you are and however you may grow, forsaking all others, from this day forward." "Jai, you have loved me for all that I am. Your acceptance and encouragement have taught me about trust, honesty and love; your humor has brought me balance and strength; and your friendship has helped me to grow. I promise to understand and respect all that you have lived, knowing that your past has made you the person I love and admire today. I promise to walk hand in hand with you on our journies, sharing in yours and allowing you to share in mine. Jai, I honor you as my husband, just as you are and however you may grow, forsaking all others, from this day forward."

The Happily Married King and Queen

At this point, we could not have been happier! The ceremony was done, feasting and merriment was to follow. And feasting and merriment there was!

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