Courtneys Small Corridor of life

I love my computer you make me feel alright every waking hour and every lonely night i love my computer for all you give to me predictable errors and no identity and it's never been quite so easy i've never been quite so happy all i need to do is click on you and we'll be joined in the most soul-less way and we'll never ever ruin each other's day cuz when i'm through i just click and you just go away i love my computer you're always in the mood i get turned on when i turn on you i love my computer you never ask for more you can be a princess or you can be my whore and it's never been quite so easy i've never been quite so happy the world outside is so big but it's safe in my domain because to you i'm just a number and a clever screen name all i need to do is click on you and we'll be together for eternity and no one is ever gonna take my love from me because i've got security, his password and a key

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@~~~ Me~~~~@

My LiFe In PiCtUrEs
My InFoRmAtIoN
Study Abroad 2004-JWU


MaH ShIt
My FrIeNdS
DrUnK PaGe
Cancun Spring Break 04
HoMeCoMiNg '99
SeNiOr PrOm '01
We Be OuT NiGgA

MoRe CoOl LiNkS

Some Funny Shit
ReD (KrIsTiNa'S PaGe)
The Great One
The Ultimate Genius
Aaron Karo, one funny guy