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Ocean City Beach Patrol
Rookie Test

The Ocean City Beach Patrol will be holding their annual Rookie Test on
Saturday, June 19, 2004 and Sunday June 20, 2004.(This date is tentative)

For more information, call:
609.525.9201 or 609.525.9200

Applications can be picked up the beach patrol headquarters at 12th street and the beach.

Perspective guards are urged to report to any open beach and receive instruction on rowing a lifeguard boat before the test.


The physical testing for the Ocean City Beach Patrol is a rigorous program designed to test various lifeguard skills in swimming, boathandling, and other lifesaving techniques. The program has evolved into a system that provides each candidate an equal opportunity to demonstrate his or her potential as a lifesaver of the Ocean City Beach Patrol. Address questions to Operations Chief, Tom Mullineaux, 609.525.9200 or the Deputy Chief, Charlie Bowman, 609.525.9201.


Physical testing of candidates for the Ocean City Beach Patrol will be held for a two day period of Saturday, June 19 and Sunday June 20, 2004. The test may be completed on Monday, June 21, if necessary due to poor ocean conditions and/or inclement weather.

After rookie candidates have been selected, there will be a MANDATORY rookie school from Monday, June 21 to Friday, June 25, 2004 during the day (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). Please make arrangements to attend prior to the test.


Rookie candidates should report to the First Street lifeguard station at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 19, 2004. Please bring a swimsuit, towel, goggles, water, and sunscreen.


It is recommended that all rookie candidates should acclimate themselves to the surf conditions and water low water conditions prior to the test. Water temperatures generally range between the mid 50’s to the mid 60’s F. Wet suits are not permitted for the test.

Rookie candidates are urged to practice rowing skills in a lifeguard boat prior to the test. Beginning Memorial Day Weekend, instructions in rowing lifeguard boats will be available to rookie candidates. Stop by the First Street or Twelfth Street lifeguard stations before the test to be assigned an instructor.


Rookie candidates must be 16 years old the test date. Proof of age will be required upon offer of employment. Rookie candidates must have a completed physical signed by a licensed physician prior to the Rookie Test.


Starting pay for first year guards in 2002 is $8.15/hr. Seniority increments continue up to the 19th year. All lifeguards 16 and 17 years of age will be required to work a 5 day week. Lifeguards 18 years and older have the opportunity to work 5 or 6 days a week.

The Ocean City Lifeguard Association (O.C.L.A.) is the official lifeguard bargaining unit for the Ocean City Beach Patrol lifeguards and medics. The association will deduct a one-time amount of $15.00 for dues from your paycheck during the summer. All O.C.B.P. lifeguards also are included into a city sponsored pension program. Four percent of your salary is deducted towards the pension fund.


OCEAN SWIM – Total distance approximately ½ mile, Time: 13 – 30+ minutes

The ocean swim is a timed event with the swimmers finishing approximately 13 – 30+ minutes depending upon skill, surf conditions, and ocean temperature. Each rookie candidate tows a rescue can approximately ¼ mile out in the ocean then turns a buoy (flag) and returns to the beach to cross the finish line. This is a very strenuous athletic activity requiring stamina training.

HALF MILE RUN - Ocean City High School track

Time: 3 min. 30 seconds or less (3:30)

Rookie candidates will be timed running a ½ mile on the high school track. Each year, returning lifeguards are required to requalify by running the ½ mile in 3 min. 30 seconds or faster.

SINGLES ROW – Distance to flag approximately 75 yards in the bay

Time: 1 – 2 minutes

Rookie candidates will be timed while rowing to a flag approximately 75 yards from the starting line (floating dock). This concludes the timed portion of this event. The rookie candidate then rows the lifeguard boat back to the dock.

200 METER SWIM – Ocean City Community Center Pool, 17th and Simpson Ave.

Time: 3 min. 15 seconds or less (3:15)

Rookie candidates will be timed swimming 200 meters in a swimming pool. Each year, returning lifeguards are required to requalify by swimming 200 meters in 3:15 or faster.

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O.C.B.P. Home Page
O.C.B.P. Biathlon
O.C.B.P. Masters 1 Mile Ocean Swim
United States Lifesaving Association
