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Ahoy mates! We are back again! Our current position is a bit rough, but we are here, and the current lineup goes as followed:

Lara-Guitar/Lead Vocals
Trish-Bass/Backing Vocals
Mike-Guitar/Backing Vocals (occasional lead)

This may be our current lineup. On all of our sound files, Mike is playing drums, but he is better at guitar, and we think that he should play guitar, so we are in need of a drummer. If you are able to get to practices, or can give us a place to practice, and you play drums, and love pop punk and ska, drop us a line at For those of you that do not know, is being repaired, and will hopefully be fixed soon. As for now, this is our page. We will be getting our own domain very very soon. On another note, I will be driving VERY soon, so we may possibly be able to play a few shows here and there once the demo tape is ready. You can listen to a sound file of our newest song "Summer of 96" on the Songs page.


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