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Northern New Jersey HELP

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.


Northern NJ HELP (NNJH) was established as an ASHA (American Social Health Association) sponsored support group, to provide emotional support, education and social solutions to people living with herpes.
Unfortunately the group is no longer active.

Support groups often provide a helpful service to those seeking advice, education and/or emotional support. However, maintaining a support group is not easy. Meetings have to be arranged and facilitated, educational materials need to be gathered and distributed, administrative matters need to be tended to. It takes a lot of work. Generally, a core group of members will see to this, but they rely, too, on regular attendance at meetings
and help from others.

If you've never attended a support group meeting, you should, even if just once. You may find what you're looking for. If you haven't attended a meeting in a long time, maybe you have something to offer (or gain) by going back. If you attend regularly, then you know that the continued existence of the group relies on members such as yourself. Offer your assistance, volunteer to help and keep the support group together. There is strength in numbers.


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Are Herpes Social Groups for You?

The following is an excerpt from an article originally published in 'the helper', ASHA's quarterly newsletter.

Can socializing with others who have herpes help you adjust to the virus? While most people believe that limiting your social life to others with herpes is unnecessary, choosing to participate in a herpes social group may be helpful for some people as a step in the adjustment process.

A number of ASHA's approximately 100 HELP (support) groups publicize local herpes social groups, which provide activities such as dinners, hikes, and parties that give members opportunities to mingle socially.

ASHA policy bars HELP groups from affiliating with "dating services," meaning commercial enterprises solidly in the matchmaking business. And HELP Groups are structured to respect the wishes of those who have no interest in dating and don't want to fend off suitors when they go to a meeting. In fact, some groups refer people who are primarily looking for a partner to a local dating service in order to keep the HELP meeting focused on education. Separate from their regular meetings, however, many HELP coordinators also organize social activities that bring members together in a relaxed setting.

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National Herpes Hotline

The National Herpes Hotline is operated by ASHA as part of the Herpes Resource Center. The hotline, which currently answers more than 30,000 calls a year, provides free counseling on herpes and offers referrals. The hotline is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Eastern time,
Monday through Friday.

National Herpes Hotline (919) 361-8488

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Looking for a support group in central Jersey? Check out: Central NJ HELP

For more info on social events in the NYC area call the NY Social Event Hotline at 212-352-4292 or email

For information about New York HELP events & lectures,
call 212-628-9154 or email or check out their web site at

Long Islanders (and neighbors), for info on social events in and around Long Island send inquiries to

For info on the People of Color social group write to

For info on NY HELP & upcoming lectures, call 212-628-9154 or email, or check out our website at

Send e-mail to OR
OR call 212-352-4292.

Check out their website for more details at NY Social Group/Bear Mountain Brunch

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Telling Your Partner About Herpes

The following is an excerpt from a pamphlet published by the Herpes Resource Center.

Telling a partner about herpes--especially the first time--can be one of the most difficult aspects of having the infection. Telling can involve risking rejection, facing social stigma, and revealing a very personal part of yourself. But it can also be a key step toward creating a relationship built on honesty and acceptance.

How your partner responds to information about herpes is basically up to him or her. But there are things you can do to shape your message and how it is heard. Once you know what to say and how you want to say it, you'll be able to tell your partner in your own way and at the right time.

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The Truth About Herpes
by Stephen L. Sacks

Understanding Herpes
by Lawrence Raymond Stanberry

Diet For a New America
by John Robbins

Wherever You Go, There You Are
by Jon Kabat-Zinn


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This site and all links are for informational purposes only.
For medical advice consult with a physician.

Northern New Jersey HELP

Helpful Links

The Original Herpes Homepage
Herpes Q&A from PlannedParenthood
Mayo Clinic - Reliable Info for a Healthier Life
Magic Stream Journal - a Guide to Emotional Wellness
Spirituality & Health - The Soul/Body Connection
Inspiration Peak - Positive and Uplifting Quotes
Ask Dr. Weil - Website of Andrew Weil, MD
ASHA's Herpes Resource Center
Complete Home Medical Guide
FAQ about Genital Herpes
Antopia Herpes Network
The Truth About Herpes
Yahoo! Club Herpes NY
Ask Jeeves Anything
Links For Singles
On Health
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