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"The Finest Lawn Service Available"

                  Homes By Owner- How to
                  sell your home for the highest price
                 and in the shortest time!

Because of our confidence in our programs and service, 
               we guarantee your satisfaction in each and every application.



                Here at Bob's Lawn Service we are your full service lawn care    
                specialists. We cut, trim, plant, and just plain maintain your lawn.
                         We have both basic and advanced services for your lawn. And we will
                  take care of it on a scheduled basis or a one time service. Whatever
you need for your lawn, we will do.

            So give us a call if you would like any additional information. We are so
      sure that you will not be disappointed. We guarantee all of our work.

Services Offered

      Contact Us

Bob's Lawn Service:

1-888-TELEBOT Extension: 71771
Fax: 1-408-293-2266 Extension: 71771#


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