My sister's page

Now I will tell you about my great friend Jennie from Ohio. I met Jennie when my other friend Greg introduced me to her, & we hit it off right away, which is weird for me 'cause I git along w/guys better than w/girls. I've known Jennie for about 4 1/2 yrs. or so, & she has been there for me through all my problems, & when I needed someone to talk to. Also I learned to never give up on yourself.

About five yrs. ago she was the passenger in a car accident, which paralyzed her from the neck down. She almost died three times too. She's in a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop her. She types via a mouthstick, & she has the exact same personality as I do.

What I wanna say ta her is this: "Jennie, ur an inspiration to us all. Whenever u need me sis, I will always be here for u ta listen to ur probs, both good & bad. I wish you the best of luck in all that u do, & 'member that I'm always gonna be here for u, & I'll always love ya sis."

The other pages on my site
My poem page
My quote page
The last page on my site