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San Diego Photographer

Nathan Johnson

a great PHOTOGRAPHER at a great PRICE”



(not ads)

My Photography Portfolio
A sample of my photography. All of the images are in San Diego unless otherwise noted.


A blog about photography. I learn stuff from these gus all the time.


Getty Images

A lot of amazing photos. I know this is a site that sells photos but it provides SO MUCH inspiration for me.

Prices for Nathan’s photography. All prices are based on a San Diego location for the photography. For travel inquires please contact Nathan directly.

Scott Kelby’s Blog

well, he is THE photoshop guru, and not a bad photographer either!

My name is Nathan Johnson.
I am a photographer in San Diego....

NTG 101

A shameless plug for my own blog!

Shouldn’t this page look better?

Some people would say so. However since the internet can be such a humongous place it is better to keep it simple.

Research shows that websites with easy navigation and simple layouts perform best in serach engines. That is a key for this website. I hope to hear from many people that found me online. If simple design such as this and a select other few accomplish that, then more power to me! (right?)