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Mathias Fonkam's Home Page

Mathias Fonkam's Home Page
Mathias Fonkam(Ph.D)
Senior Consultant

Focus Consulting Inc

605 Market StreetCENTER>
San Francisco,CA
My name is Mathias Fonkam and I am a Senior Consultant at Focus Consulting, Inc. Before returning to work for Focus, I also served as a Senior Consultant at Blue Martini; as a Senior developer/analyst at Millenia Vision Corporation in San Jose, CA and as technical director at BestWits Group NM - a startup web-centric company in Brazil which I joined after a brief 10 months entry to industry and web-development in the US, working as a Senior Software/Knowledge Engineer at Mosakin Corp. in New Jersey from Jan. to Oct. 1998.

Before joining industry I had worked for 4 years in Brazil mainly as Visiting Professor (Titular) . at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís, MA, Brazil where I taught the following courses: (1) Logic Programming and Knowledge Base Systems, (2). System Thinking and MISs, and (3). Programming Paradigms, and undertook research in the areas of data / knowledge Base Systems, Logic Programming with Prolog, Neural Networks and System Dynamics. My current work/research interests span databases, the web and e-commerce; and include web-authoring, intelligent database front-ends, meta-translators, deductive systems, data mining, and the application of innovative AI techniques, and system thinking approaches in e-commerce application development and change management in the fast-paced e-business world.

