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SEPTEMBER 18, 2002


One year ago I had plans to shoot the lights of Michigan. September 11 ended those plans as I chose not to fly. With the passing of the anniversary I made airline reservations with Spirit Airlines and car reservations with Hertz. I will be flying into Detroit Metro early on Monday October 21 and returning late Friday October 25. In between, from Detroit to Michigan City, Indiana, I am going to shoot most every light on or visible from land on the lower peninsula. I am truly excited !

It really is incredible. Spirit roundtrip is $88.00 and AAA took care of many car rental discounts. Between "SEEING THE LIGHT" by Terry Pepper and the PENROSE book of Michigan Lighthouses, I've compiled a list of forty-four lights. I can't see needing another source although for sure I will check the Carter's site.

I am truly excited !

OCTOBER 10, 2002

I am plugged into WEATHER.COM. The temperatures in major lakeside cities...right, top, and left side of the state...ranged from from upper 30's to mid 60's. I can do that.

I've checked my wardrobe and the Maine attire from a few years back... fleece, flannel and denim...will suffice, although anticipating cooler temps, a lightweight pair of gloves and heavier socks seem wise.

For preparation, pages are printed for 44 locations although I'm not sure sets of pier lights should count as one or two. It'll be subjective and knowing me, I will opt for the higher number.

Letters to be written? Well, Terry Pepper for sure...the Penroses maybe... most likely the Carters. For instance, there is walk of a mile from the parking lot to BIG SABLE POINT near Ludington. Is there any other long walk ahead in my travels? Another is whether I will be able to see POE REEF and FOURTEEN FOOT SHOAL lights from lakeside near Cheboygan. I have no intrinsic feel for this trip other than the excitement of a new adventure...and while I will have a general time frame, impossible situations need to be avoided. I have given myself five days to make this trip...probably a day more than necessary...but probably an extra day to be prudent.

OCTOBER 15, 2002

Sometimes it pays to be noble.

To be fair to Mere, because I am going to be away five days, I suggested we take a trip to Pennsylvania Dutch Country to browse the antique stores and visit the Reading Outlets. She thought the idea was great.

My flight from Atlantic City is 6:30am Monday morning. It's a ninety minute ride and I would want to be there at least 60-90 minutes early. That would mean leaving the house 2:30am, maybe 3:00am. Still the offer to my wife stood... until today. She said she really didn't feel like going away, that maybe a one day trip somewhere Saturday would be fine. That would give me time to pack and organize. Bless her.

Today I received my Michigan Lighthouse Locator Map from the Lighthouse Depot. Bold and colorful it is, though it lacked details the company that did the Maine maps provided. Still, it is a guide and will be helpful. Also did some temperature checking...Mackinaw City, as far north as I will get, will range from 37-49...St. Joseph, as far south, from 40-58. I'm still a week away so I'll be checking back, but it appears I'll just miss the cold front that moves out as I arrive on Monday.

OCTOBER 18, 2002

At 2:36pm I clocked out of work. In less than three days I'll be in Michigan. Tonight, a trip to Target brought more film (now up to 16 rolls) some heavy socks, and a notebook to keep my day log. Now that Sunday is a stay-at-home day, laundry, packing, and organizing will be slotted around football and the World Series. With that awkward departure time Monday morning, figuring when, and trying hard, to sleep will be an interesting dilemma.

OCTOBER 19, 2002

Some refining moments this evening. One last time through the list, I compared it to the Lighthouse Locator Map. It had two I was indecisive about...The DETROIT RIVER LIGHT and the GROSSE ILE RANGE LIGHT. As I always do, I checked the Carter Logs and they took land pictures of each. I will attempt the same. That will bring the anticipated total to 47 lights (including one lightship and some ruins near Cheboygan).

There will be a decided difference to this escapade. I am usually time obsessive. This time I will have an order...and that is all. I will be starting as close to sunrise as possible and work until dusk. I will have no preset idea on where to be at what hour. I have a fifth day...plenty of time...and am pretty sure the chances of returning anytime soon are slim. I am going to be deliberate and enjoy every moment of this adventure.

The weather is shaping up as thus...

  • Monday arrival...Detroit...low of 40/hi of 51
  • Tuesday...Alpena area ...low of 33/hi of 40..chance of snow
  • Wednesday...Mackinaw City area... low of 33/hi of 44...light snow
  • Thursday...Saint Joseph area...low of 34/hi of 52

I found my gloves...need to find a hat...what's really terrible isn't the is the lack of forecasted sun...

The one piece of really good news is that the 14oz package of Swedish Fish will be on sale at Walgren's tomorrow. I wasn't bringing any snacks with me, not wanting to add to my carry on...but when "Fish" is (are?) on sale, you got to go with it.

OCTOBER 20, 2002

What is sad is I have little intuitive sense. When I completed the EASTERN GREAT LAKES LOOP and was in Ontario, across from Detroit, I saw the LIVINGSTONE MEMORIAL LIGHT...pretty sure I saw the ST. CLAIR RIVER LIGHTS...and since I came thru the tunnel into Detroit, how difficult would it have been to find GROSSE ILE and the DETROIT RIVER LIGHT? If these lights had been shot then just maybe the UP of MICHIGAN would have been an option this time.

Now, this doesn't diminish my enthusiasm...just puts limits on me...I hate that.

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