:A New New Jersey Trilogy?

I just realized that my text for this is insanely old. I'll try to update it as best I can.

This movie focuses basically on Jay and Silent Bob and an adventure they encounter while spending some time out west. They meet up with a girl, Bethany, while hanging out by an abortion clinic. Their logic: chicks who go in there must be easier than chicks who don't. Bethany works there as her way of saying screw you to God for making her sterile after an abortion. There are two archangels who got kicked out of heaven named Bartleby and Loki. They got kicked out when they killed all the babies in Jerusalem after a kegger. So anyway, they found a loophole which would get them back into heaven. If they go through the doors of a new church, they will be absolved of all their sins and allowed back to heaven. This, however, would put God in a paradoxical situation, because he banished them and now they're back. This might destroy the universe. Bad. Rufus (Chris Rock) is the thirteenth apostle, kept out of the Bible because he was black. So Jay and Silent Bob save the world, yadda yadda yadda. That's about it. Script posted...I'll try to get some sounds and movies in here too.

Dogma Links

Dogma Rumor Control: Get info on the Movie and Who's in it and shit like that
Script to Dogma: PDF version (Adobe Acrobat Viewer needed)
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Email: skaboy7989@yahoo.com