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From The Trees
Have you ever seen a tree weep, Have you ever seen a tree smile
oh my friend indeed they do. When summer graces us, look to a tree
There you will see the smile of many a leafs..
Trees are as sprits among us, For they stand tall and protect us all.
They have been here longer then most of us will ever be.
Have you ever looked to a tree when you have lost a loved one?
There you will see a tree weep like it was telling you, I feel
for you. Take a short time and notice a tree, For it will fill
your heart with joy.
Save a tree today
For tomorrow will
Be Bright

In Lands Past
When I speak of the land of the past, I am talking about, The Farms
that once we worked at. The land it was dear to us all
What happen to work the land, And the land will give back. Did we
forget What was our birth right. Now is our history. The land is more
then a place to live. It is something we all need to take care of.
The times of today, can not replace what the land, and farms need
today, And that is people not machines, and computers. We need the
people to be able to work and live on thier farms. Will no one speak
for the people, Who work the land with thier blood, sweat, and tears.

How Do We Forgive
How can we forgive a soul, That beats us down. How do we understand,
what makes them so sad to us. That we can not find a way to forgive.
When all seems as hopeless as can be. Think of what the Good Lord says
If your brother ask you for a shirt, give him your coat as well.
As hard as it is to forgive.Find in your heart to forgive in there
For you can not live in anger you see.
For it will eat at your very soul. And is any one worth, That kind of
pain. So forgive for yourself, And you will see. You don't need such
a bad soul as thee.
To a sad soul in my life.

Special Someone
For the reason as you know I will call this person, Just as she is.
To one of the dearest people I have ever known. Teacher
I had this Teacher when I was in sixth grade, She saw something in me
for why I will never know. She spent her lunch breaks with me, To show
she belived in me.
For I never had a Teacher who cared as she. We work very hard my Teacher
and I. For I need to learn, where I did not learn before. This Teacher
I have told before, If it had not been for you. Only time would have
known what would have become of me. For you I would love to say.
May you always have the joy in your life, As a Teacher you have done
Miracles for so many. May you always have a smile to brighten even your
darkest day, May you always understand, That your life has meant so much
to so many. I am proud to still call you my Teacher. May the Good Lord
bless you always, My Special Teacher, And Friend I will never forget what
you have done for me. You have made me see that no child is alone in this
world we call home.
Love, Lisa

Thank God For My Angel
A life so dear to me is my daughters. Life almost took one from me
A careless driver was he. I stood at the road, Look in my angel face
all torn was she. The words ran from her heart mom I am so sorry
said she. Sorry I say why I thank God you are here with me.
This is a moms worst nightmare you see. But again I say, Thank you Dear
God above, For my daughter is still here with me. People must say,
our children are all we have in this world. When I think of what I saw
in my angels face tonight. I must plea. You are here with me and I love
you so dear. What is a car but a thing..My angel is what is everything.
Don't ever take a child for granted, For they could be gone tomorrow
by a selfish person on the roads. Be it drunk or who knows.
I am lucky my angel is here with me.
Love Mom

For The Love
Of Two
To fall in love, and feel as one, Is the greatest gift we can give to
each other. For whom I write this poem to. Is a love stroy. It
started as a friendship, And a need to be wanted. Then before they
knew they fell in love. How wonderful, that they were friends from
the start, and now stright to there hearts. A love that will be like
only they can see. For no one can take a love, and a friendship such
as they have brought to each other. As they begin there love, they
will grow ever strong, For they have the heart as one, And a friendship
as two. I would like to say to Batman&Gypsy. May your love, grow ever
strong. May you find in your hearts always what has brought you together
from the start, and never let it part. For you have the dream of a dove
and the love from above. May you always have the pride you have today
And may you never lose thy way. May God Bless you and keep you in his
loving arms.
To Batman&Gypsy

The Shades of Winter
I have a tree, outside my window that flourishes and grows, through the shades
of winter with leaves of soft brown, and shadows that decline across the morning,
of undeveloped time...
There is a stream, outside my window that nourishes and flows,through the shades
of winter with the water so cold, and the trees oh so bold they fight to unit, for
the warmth of the light...
I see a forest, outside my window that whispers and grows, through the shades of
winter with a thousand towers high, that stand amid the sky and shadow the flowing
stream, with a thousand broken dreams...
I have this lake, outside my window that's cold and frozen, through the shades of
winter with a multitude of leaves, that were scattered by the trees and lie frozen
in the lake, like a lying waiting snake...
Now all these combine, with my deep soul entwine for these are the shades, of my
own cold winter for outside my window, there is warmth all around but inside my
heart,all feeling departs
Written By

For the Love of Roses
When God made Roses,He had us all in mind. God took all the colors of the
rainbow and made the Rose. When I look at a Rose,I think of a love so fine
I think of a beautiful summers eve. The Rose is a flower that stands among
the Lilys. For they remind me of the Lord you see.
The Rose is among all who have loved.The Rose is among all who have forgived
Is it no wonder God knew what he was doing when he made the Rose.
So to all have a Rose and feel the power of its love.

I Talked To The Stars Tonight
The miles are long my love, The miles are an everlasting
part that cuts to the heart.
But fear not my love, For I talked to the Stars Tonight
When times look so sad, and the heart begins to cry,
I look to the Stars my love. There oh There I see all
the love you have for me in the stars.
For I talked to the Stars Tonight, I saw your smile
I gazed into your eyes through the stars tonight.
I told the stars to hurry my love to thee.
For you my love, I Talked to the Stars Tonight.
What a sight there was in the shadow of the stars
tonight. My loves smile was looking down on me.
And oh how my heart smiled,
To see such a beautiful sight.
As I look upon the Stars Tonight I
sent a message, To the one I hold Dear
I Talked To The Stars Tonight.

Faith in Others
Where is it written that people are different from one another, Is it
not a fact that we are all human. So why is it that Race, Religion,and
Money seperates the world. What makes one person better then another
This is a question I have look for the answer all my life, But yet no
one has given me or have I seen that answer, For I believe we are all
of the human race, and are in need to come together as such. There is no
answer to what the question is. The only conclusion I could come to, was
the hate that eats at the human race. Does God like what he sees of the
human race, does he not cry for the human race. This I believe is true
For never I could believe that God could want such disgrace from the human
race. What would it be like if hate was turn around to Faith in Others.

Waters of Time
The waters of time is a quite and peaceful place, There you see
all the power of the life force within every drop of water.
It flows like a heart beat inside of yourself.
It gives you the feel of peace deep inside, to hold like a
star in the sky. If we can reach a star and hold it close
oh what a drop of time would fill our hearts.
In the space and time of a waterfall, one can feel the true
power of its force and beauty. One can reach the inner
part of there soul, In the beauty of the falls, with the help
Of Waters of Time.
With the drop of one splash, and the mix of ones inner soul
to relate to the Waters of Time, Oh how peaceful we would be

Christmas Dream
It was a time of childhood dreams..While others dreamed of many gifts.
I had one dream in mind..One that I would never see come true.
For many years this dream swallowed my heart. A small child of five as I
recall my dream for many of years.
It is christmas Eve.. I sit upon the step of a long and high stair case,
One light shines on me of green, with just a slight white, where the paint
had chipped off.. I look to this light and close my eyes tight, and I dream
I wake christmas day to see my mom for the first time in my life.
She is sitting near the front door, where the sunshine sits upon her hair.
I fill with joy, to see the woman who gave me birth.
Only to wake christmas morning and run to that door of time. The door
that my mom would never come through.
For many children today without their moms I cry a tear on christmas morn
and pray that they find in their heart, what I have found.
Just because a woman gives you birth does not mean they are a mom. A mom
is the person in your life who is there, when you fall down, A mom is
someone who cares for you when nights are long.
So to all the mom's out there that adopt children and love them, thank you
For you have filled many a christmas dreams for the children.
And for me, I still remember my Christmas Dream: But I also Live my life
in knowing I had the best mom God could have given to me.
And that child that sat upon the step, has taken that step into the life
of my own girls, and have made their life all a child should know, Love,kindness
and most of all a mom they can call there own.
Grow in Love


Please note my new e-mail addy.
Email: Lisa_angel@acmecity.com