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Miss the old Liokaiser pic? Here it is!

Last Update: July 20th, 1999!

Hey there, Liokaiser here. This is just another Transformer/Diaclone webpage for the internet-junkie enthusiast in yourself! I am currently still building here, so give me a little time before I have my pictures and all up. Until I finish up here, enjoy the links. Come back soon, as this webpage is updated a little bit more every day!


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To see my Diaclone page, click here!

To see what I have for sale or trade, click right here!

To see a MUSH character I made, click here!

The links were moved to here to save download-time.

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Want to contact me? Here's how:

Send Email to: GALVA KAISER!

If Email isn't available to you, my ICQ# is: 31724175, Leave a message!

If you don't have ICQ, then I'm on the AOL Instant Messenger as "Destron007."

If you can't access any of the above three software programs, then you must have one really bad life, and I pity you to the fullest possible extent.


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