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Early in 1992, at the age of 23, Kevin Murphy reached an epiphany. Inspired by the works of Boris Vallejo, a world-renowned illustrator, Kevin became determined to build a career in the field of book cover illustrations. Without formal art training, he quickly acquired his first commission from The Berkley Publishing Group. Almost immediately thereafter, his illustrative works found their way onto the covers of books from most of the major publishing houses in the United States. Kevin's illustrations have graced the book covers of best selling authors such as Terry Goodkind, L.E. Modesitt, and Graham Masterton. As Kevin's career moved on, he diversified, procuring projects from National Geographic, Barnes and Nobles, Milton Bradley, Hasbro, Sega Genesis, Viacom, MTV, Virgin Records, Lucas Films. He is featured in Infinite Worlds, "the definitive history of science fiction illustration" alongside the upper echelon of Illustrators since the founding of the genre. "In the short span since beginning his career in 1992, Kevin Murphy has become a major presence in the field of American illustration. Kevin is one of the new stars rising on the Science Fiction art horizon and is destined to reach celebrity status in the genre in the near future," Vincent DiFate, editor of Infinite Worlds.

In 1997 Kevin was commissioned to create the cover for the highly coveted Rolling Stones album, Bridges to Babylon. Upon completion, Kevin made the decision to leave the security of a prospering illustration career, for the freedom afforded only to a Fine Artist. Acknowledging his passion, Kevin embarked upon his quest for self-expression in the fine arts.

Captivated by the human form, Kevin elected to follow in the footsteps of master painters who, throughout history, have engaged the challenges of the human figure. Without constraints beyond his own vision, his pursuit of truth had commenced. His works combine a classical painting approach while exploring the visage of contemporary man. Utilizing atmosphere, Kevin tempers the harsh reality of nudity, while leaving exposed the purity of the human form. Employing only the figure, Kevin creates dramatic compositions, heralding a new level of intensity to life-size figure painting.