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               Online   Bibles
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Blue Letter BibleThe Blue Letter Bible - Bible Search, Concordance and great commentaries. A must see. - Good source for Bibles and Biblical reference material.

World Wide Study BibleWorld Wide Study Bible -

Goshen BibleGoshen's Online Bible  - An excellent online bible

Welcome to the Bible Gateway(TM) - Search the Bible in nine languages and multiple Bible VersionsThe Bible Gateway

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   Bible Study & Commentaries
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The Biblical Studies FoundationBiblical Studies Foundation - The Biblical Studies Foundation is a non-profit organization founded for the purpose of distributing sound, evangelical Bible study materials in electronic format so those with small personal libraries or without access to a local Bible college or seminary library, etc., may have access to sound biblical studies from their home.

The Christian Articles ArchiveChristian Articles Archive - A LARGE collection of Personal Inspiration, Speaker's Illustrations, Church Newsletters, and Religious Periodicals

The Sign MinistriesThe Sign Ministries  A Biblical look at the second coming of Christ, and the End of the Age

Ken Collins' Web Site Ken Collins' Web Site Topical information on Jesus, descipleship, worship, hope, the Bible explanations, Holy days, fiction, prayer, lectionary

   Journal of Biblical Accuracy  - A non-deniminational journal which "aims to promote an accurate understanding of the word of God."

Acts 17:11Acts 17:11 - These are in depth Bible studies on various topics concering Christian living, growth and Faith.

John WesleyJohn Wesley's Notes On The Bible - A great source for the study of the whole Bible.

 Jamieson-Fausset-Brown - Commentary critical and explanatory on the whole Bible. An excellent source.

John CalvinCalvin's Commentaries - A top-of-the-line source for Biblical knowledge,

 The Bible Commentary Page  - "This library is to facilitate the study of Scripture. With this in mind, what is carried here will be very selective. There are many major links for the study of different kinds of theology on the internet, but a particular position is not our goal".

Matthew Henry's Concise CommentaryMatthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible -  For the complete commentary see the BlueLetter Bible above

 Geneva Study Bible  - A good source for old and new Testament bible study.

Goshen's Bible Study ToolsGoshen Bible Study Tools  - Very Good Tools for Bible Studies

Dr. Walter BrownCenter for Scientific Creation - An online book by Dr. Walt Brown  which examines scientific evidence supporting Creation.

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