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YOU ARE HERE - Kenn's Home PageChristian Search EnginesBibles, Bible Studies and CommentariesBible Dictionaries and ConcordancesChrist-Centered Answers To FAQsSermons in Audio and Textual FormatsChristian Audio/Video

Hi there, my name is Kenn McFarland, and below you can surf good Christian web sites by category. I will be adding new sites to this list periodically, so come back and visit often.

Christian Search EnginesBibles, Bible Studies and Bible Commentaries
             Christian Search Engines                  Bibles, Bible Studies, Commentaries

Bible Dictionaries and ConcordancesFrequently Asked Christian Questians
          Bible Dictionaries and Concordances     Christ-Centered Answers To FAQs

Sermons in Audio and Text FormatsChristian Audio and Video
         Sermons in Audio and Textual Formats           Christian Audio/Video

Other Christian Web Sites

Christian Classics Ethereal LibraryChristian Classics Ethereal Library  - Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves! All of the books on this server are believed to be in the public domain in the United States unless otherwise specified. Copy them freely for any purpose. Outside of the US, check your local copyright laws.

Gospel Communications NetworkGospel Communications Network -  Gospel Communications Network is an alliance of Christian organizations dedicated to spreading the Gospel over the Internet's World Wide Web.

Heart LightHeartlight - A collection of Inspiring and thought provoking Christian articles.

Free Christian MultiMedia Files  -  This site contains many free Christian multi-media files (i.e. audio, picture gallery, video, clip art etc.). Great site!!!

Radio Bible Class MinistriesRBC Ministries - A great source for devotionals, bible studies, multi-media, etc...

Journey Of FaithJourney Of Faith - A good online way to read the entire Bible in one year.

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